Electoral Sociology: Who Votes for the Extreme Right and why – and when?

Over the last 15 years or so, analyses of the Extreme Right’s electorate(s) have become a minor industry within the larger context of (comparative) Political Sociology. By necessity, this chapter aims at summarising the main findings from this research program, but cannot strive for a comprehensive presentation of all that has been achieved during these…

Wahlen und Rechtsextremismus

This chapter provides a summary of what is known about electoral support for the Extreme Right in Germany in the postwar era [in German].
Dieses Kapitel gibt einen Überblick über das Wahlverhalten zugunsten der Extremen Rechten in Deutschland seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

Liberalismus, Rechtsradikalismus und Rechtspopulismus in Deutschland und Österreich

This is a comparative piece on right-wing populism in Austria and Germany that I co-authored as a PhD student back in the 1990s when I was young, careless, and heavily under the influence of Herbert Kitschelt’s monograph on the Radical Right in Western Europe [in German].
Dies ist eine vergleichende Analyse der Wählerschaften der Repulikaner (REP), der FPÖ und der FDP am Ende der 1990er Jahre