Course Contents/Slides (Seminar)
April 21 | Attitudes, values, ideology (print) | Feldman (2003); Bartels (2003) |
April 28 | Measuring attitudes (print) | Fabrigar, Krosnick and MacDougall (2005); supp.: Krosnick and Presser (2010) |
May 5 | Political Culture (print) | Almond and Verba (1965, ch. 1+2) |
May 12 | Political Support, old and new (print) | Dalton (1999); Inglehart (1999) |
May 19 | A classic qualitative approach to democratic ideology (print) | Lane (1962, 1–16; 82-112) |
May 26 | The original democracy scale and its re-application (print) | McClosky (1964, 365–371); Chong, McClosky and Zaller (1983) |
June 9 | Democracy and Communism in Germany (print) | Dalton (1994) |
June 16 | From Russia with love (print) | Gibson, Duch and Tedin (1992); supp.: Miller, Hesli and Reisinger (1997) |
June 30 | Losing my religion (print) | Tessler (2002); Canetti-Nisim (2004) |
July 7 | What flavour of democrats/democracy? I (print) | Walker (2009) |
July 14 | What flavour of democrats/democracy? II (print) | Schedler and Sarsfield (2007) |
July 21 | Summary: Where do we go from here, and what does it matter? (print) | Fails and Pierce (2010) |
- Assesment is based on your essay (5000-6000 words). Your essay title must be chosen from the list that I will distribute
- The Department’s universal deadline applies. There is only one deadline, and no extensions will be granted. Should you fall ill, you must provide a medical certificate.
- Please send your essays by mail (leaving enough time for delivery by the due-date), or hand it in to the
Essay titles
- Do attitudes and political cultures matter?
- Does social science need a separate ‘support for democracy’ scale for Central and Eastern Europe?
- ‘Religion and Democracy are incompatible.’ Discuss!
- How and why should the original McClosky scale be amended?
- What, if anything, could/should Western scholars learn from the indicators and findings from the African, Latin, and Arab Barometer surveys?
- Do standard scales adequately reflect the different concepts of democracy?
- Has our notion of democracy changed so much since the 1960s that we need a new scale? What would it look like?
Members of the A-Team may write an essay based on their own data.
Almond, Gabriel A. and Sidney Verba. 1965. The Civic Culture. Political Attitudes and Democracy in Five Nations. Boston: Little, Brown and Company.
Bartels, Larry M.. 2003. Democracy with Attitudes. In Electoral Democracy, ed. Michael B. MacKuen and George Rabinowitz. University of Michigan Press pp. 48–82.
Canetti-Nisim, Daphna. 2004. “The Effect of Religiosity on Endorsement of Democratic Values. The Mediating Influence of Authoritarianism.” Political Behavior 26(4):377–398.
Chong, Dennis, Herbert McClosky and John Zaller. 1983. “Patterns of Support for Democratic and Capitalist Values in the United States.” British Journal of Political Science 13(4):401–440.
Dalton, Russell J. 1994. “Communists and Democrats. Democratic Attitudes in the Two Germanies.” British Journal of Political Science 24(4):469–493.
Dalton, Russell J. 1999. Political Support in Advanced Industrial Democracies. In Critical Citizens. Global Support for Democratic Government, ed. Pippa Norris. Oxford u.a.: Oxford University Press pp. 57–77.
Fabrigar, Leandre R., Jon Krosnick and Bonnie L. MacDougall. 2005. Attitudes Measurement. Techniques for Measuring the Unobservable. In Persuasion: Psychological Insights and Perspectives, ed. Timothy C. Brock and Melanie C. Green. 2 ed. Tousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage pp. 17–40.
Fails, Matthew D. and Heather Nicole Pierce. 2010. “Changing Mass Attitudes and Democratic Deepening.” Political Research Quarterly 63(1):174–187.
Feldman, Stanley. 2003. Values, Ideology, and the Structure of Political Attitudes. In Oxford Handbook of Political Psychology, ed. David Sears, Leonie Huddy and Robert Jervis. 3 ed. Oxford University Press.
Gibson, James L., Raymond M. Duch and Kent L. Tedin. 1992. “Democratic Values and the Transformation of the Soviet Union.” The Journal of Politics 54(2):329–371.
Inglehart, Ronald. 1999. Postmodernization Erodes Respect for Authority, but Increases Support for Democracy. In Critical Citizens. Global Support for Democratic Government, ed. Pippa Norris. Oxford u.a.: Oxford University Press pp. 236–256.
Krosnick, Jon A. and Stanley Presser. 2010. Question and Questionnaire Design. In Handbook of Survey Research, ed. Peter V. Marsden and James D. Wright. 2 ed. Bingley: Emerald pp. 263–313.
Lane, Robert E. 1962. Political Ideology. Why the American Common Man Believes What He Does. New York: The Free Press of Glencoe.
McClosky, Herbert. 1964. “Consensus and Ideology in American Politics.” The American Political Science Review 58(2):361–382.
Miller, Arthur H., Vicki L. Hesli and William M. Reisinger. 1997. “Conceptions of Democracy among Mass and Elite in Post-Soviet Societies.” British Journal of Political Science 27(2):157–190.
Schedler, Andreas and Rodolfo Sarsfield. 2007. “Democrats with Adjectives: Linking Direct and Indirect Measures of Democratic Support.” European Journal of Political Research 46(5):637–659.
Tessler, Mark. 2002. “Do Islamic Orientations Influence Attitudes Toward Democracy in the Arab World? Evidence from Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, and Algeria.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 43(3-5):229–249.
Walker, Lee Demetrius. 2009. “Delegative Democratic Attitudes and Institutional Support in Central America.” Comparative Politics 42(1):83–101.