Here is the (almost) finalised program for the our section on the Radical Right in Perspective, organised under the auspices of the ECPR’s 5th General Conference (Potsdam, September 10-12), boasting about 50 papers.
- Post-Soviet Russian Nationalism: Ideology, Context, Comparison
- The ‘New Political Novel’ by Right-Wing Writers in Post-Soviet Russia
- Ethnic Conflict and Radical Right in Estonia: An Explosive Mixture?
- How far is Moscow Weimar? Similarities and Dissimilarities between Inter-War Germany and Post-Soviet Russia
- From Communist Totalitarianism to Right-wing Radicalism: The Dynamics of the Crimean Peripheral Politics and Its Impact on the Ukrainian State
- Moderating/Mediating the Extreme: The Accommodation of Xenophobic Nationalist Views on Vladimir Pozner’s Vremena Programme
- Right-wing extremism among immigrant adolescents from the FSU in Israel and Germany
- The causes for the success and failure of the radical right in Central and Eastern Europe
- Are there opportunity structures for the Radical Right? A comparative analysis of the Visegrad Group countries.
- Explaining the failure of radical right parties in Estonia
- Manoeuvring for the Right: Atypical Features of a Bulgarian Radical Right-Wing Party
- The Diffusion of Radical Right Ideology in Central-Eastern Europe: Cultural Resonance and Issue Ownership Strategies as Factors Behind Electoral Support Takeover
- The Radical Right in Bulgaria
- From Alienation of the Working Class to the Rise of the Far Right? Party Strategy and Cleavage Evolution in Post-Communist Societies
- On the Borderline Between Protest and Violence: Political Movements of the New Radical Right
- Radical Right and the Use of Political Violence: Idealist Hearths in Turkey in the 1970s.
- Extreme Right and Populism: a Frame Analysis of Extreme Right Wing Discourses in Italy and Germany
- “Armed spontaneism”: an independent revolutionary way in the Italian extreme right-wing groups
- Movement Against Illegal Immigration: analysis of the central node in the Russian extreme-right movement network
- Mobilizing Activism: A comparative analysis of the contemporary Right-Wing Extremists and Islamists in Germany
- Why There has been Little Violence among East European Radicals? Transformations of Tolerance in Post-peasant Eastern Europe
- Consequences of the surge of anti-immigration parties
- Anti-immigrant party support and newspaper coverage: a cross-national and over-time perspective
- A Populist Zeitgeist? Populist Discourse among Mainstream Political Parties in Western Europe
- The Surge of the Swiss Peoples Party: Implications at Switzerland’s Subnational Level
- Immigration policy and the populist radical right in office: The policy impact of the FPÖ/BZÖ, 2000-06
- Rhetoric or reality? Platforms and actions of anti-immigration parties
- The Radical Right in Western Europe
- A Matter of Timing? The Salience of Immigration and the Dynamics of Radical Right Electoral Success
- Old Cleavages and New Actors in the Formation of a New Cultural Divide: Why a Right-Wing Populist Party Emerged in France but not in Germany
- The Programmatic Positions of Established Parties and their Influence on Extreme Right Parties Vote Share
- The Influence of the Programs of Far Right Parties on the Electoral System
- Radical Right, Populism and the Fear of Democracy
- Explaining anti-immigrant party support in Western Europe: individual grievances, elite failure or social context?
- Comparing radical right party ideology and the voters’ profile and attitudes: a study on the Danish People’s Party, the Northern League and the Austrian Freedom Party
- Inside the Radical Right: An Internalist Perspective
- The Public Image of Leaders of Right-Wing Populist Parties: the Role of the Mass Media
- ‘This rally is a must’ – Which factors lead neo-Nazis to take part in demonstration marches?
- Right-wing extremist groups and Internet: Construction of Identity, Source of Mobilization and Organization
- “Enemy from inside” the party and … inside us? What the researcher does to the local teams of the radical right in France: return to a possible controversial relationship
- Pan-German student fraternities and the Austrian Freedom Party: A reciprocal relationship
- Party-based Euroscepticism in Western and Eastern Europe
- europeanization of euroscepticism? the significance of european parliament groups and factions for the typology and ideological classification of party-based euroscepticism
- euroscepticism of turkish political parties
- hellenes-barbarians and european civilization: a conceptual approach to the ideologies of the greek far right.
- hungary – between euroenthusiasm and euroscepticsm
- radical right euroscepticism and the theory of strategic choice
- neighbourhood effects revisited: the visualisation of immigrants and radical right-wing vote
- Presence of Migrants and Radical Right Support across Different Levels of National Institutionalisation
- Exploring the Contextual Determinants of the anti-immigrant vote: The Case of the LPF
- Explaining the extreme right resurgence in English local elections 2002-8: a spatial model of aggregate data
- Ethnic Identity of Second Generation Immigrants across German Regions
- Radical right’s neighbourhoods: considering meso level explanations for its success through a case-study at the local level
- Is Local Diversity Harmful for Social Capital? A Multilevel Research on Flemish Data
- Immigration, diversity and civic culture in Spain
- The radical right and the debate over immigration policy
- After Fortuyn: new radical right-wing populist parties in the Netherlands
- Plataforma per Catalunya: emergence, features and quest for legitimacy of a new radical right party in the Spanish autonomous region of Catalonia
- The impact of anti-immigration parties: a comparison between the Flemish VB and the Walloon FN
- The (de)politicization of immigrant integration and policy outcome in Belgium.
The program is still somewhat in flux, and any omissions are accidental.