My favourite if vaguely remembered piece of medieval history is the bit when assorted popes, antipopes, and anti-antipopes busily excommunicated each other. The AfD has reached that stage. A few days ago, Lucke forced a motion of the national executive that aims at unseating Höcke as party leader in Thuringia. But his creation of a “wake-up call” association has earned him very few friends so far, and may well contradict the party statutes. Accordingly, the state party in Saxony has decreed that membership in the association is incompatible with membership in the party, and Thuringia is set to follow suit.
In other news, the leader of the party’s youth organisation lost his office over the wake-up call issue, and Petry has finally declared that she will run for sole party leader.
When you play a game of thrones you win or you die.
The AfD: Game of Thrones edition #AfD #Germany