Everyone is excited this morning, because AfD leader Frauke Petry suggested that German police officers should shoot refugees at the border if necessary (what ever that means). With the usual qualifications and rhetorical back doors, the party is happily channeling the vigilante spirit that has grabbed parts of the German public. Disgust and free headlines aside, Petry’s partner and political ally, NRW leader Marcus Pretzell, came up with the same clever idea exactly three months ago. Hearing these words from the AfD’s top officer may have a new quality, but mostly, it’s sad old news.
Update February 2, 2016: Here is an English-language source for the backstory (Politico)
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: The AfD and refugees: Fire (and forget) https://t.co/ja0W9ZBaa0
From the vault: The AfD and refugees: Fire (and forget) https://t.co/7kTAn3yGvl
Blog: The #AfD and refugees: Fire (and forget) – kai arzheimer https://t.co/6Di805T7TR
RT @kai_arzheimer: New blog: The #AfD and refugees: Fire (and forget) – kai arzheimer https://t.co/G59dA0MUm5
RT @kai_arzheimer: New blog: The #AfD and refugees: Fire (and forget) – kai arzheimer https://t.co/G59dA0MUm5
RT @kai_arzheimer: New blog: The #AfD and refugees: Fire (and forget) – kai arzheimer https://t.co/G59dA0MUm5
RT @kai_arzheimer: New blog: The #AfD and refugees: Fire (and forget) – kai arzheimer https://t.co/G59dA0MUm5
RT @kai_arzheimer: New blog: The #AfD and refugees: Fire (and forget) – kai arzheimer https://t.co/G59dA0MUm5
RT @kai_arzheimer: New blog: The #AfD and refugees: Fire (and forget) – kai arzheimer https://t.co/G59dA0MUm5
New blog: The #AfD and refugees: Fire (and forget) – kai arzheimer https://t.co/G59dA0MUm5