Germany: the Identitarian Movement remains under surveillance

In 2016, Germany’s “Office for the Protection of the Constitution”, a.k.a. the spooks, put the German branch of the Identitarian Movement under surveillance. They are also listed in the Office’s yearly reports under the heading “right-wing extremist actors”. Germany being Germany, the IB in this country is organised as a registered association, which has taken…

How do you measure political secularism at the individual level?

For better (seriously?) or worse (you betcha!), politics and religion are intimately intertwined. While everyone and their grandfather (and especially their grandfather) gets worked up about immigration from Muslim-majority countries, the more relevant development in much of Europe is secularisation. Secularisation as a process has many facets (e.g. a decline of religious membership, practice,…

SCoRE and the geography of radical right resentment in Germany

The good folks at Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin have invited me for a talk about our ORA project on subnational contexts and the Radical Right in general, and some findings on the German case in particular. [su_box title="Update"]This research has become an open access journal article. Click on the DOI to read it! [bibtex file=ka.bib sort=year order=desc…

Germany’s AfD 2013-2022: much, much stronger in the eastern states

My piece on the role that Germany’s eastern states – the territory of the former GDR – have played for the breakthrough and rise of the radical right Alternative for Germany has been “forthcoming” for a while. So long indeed that it was necessary to update this graph, which shows how (and where) electoral support…