Orbán travels in style, Putin meddles in Germany, Wagenknecht blackmails the CDU, and 1 Spanish scientist cheats his way to the top: 4 (or 5?) links I liked

Orbán travels in style, Putin meddles in Germany, Wagenknecht blackmails the CDU, and 1 Spanish scientist cheats his way to the top: 4 (or 5?) links I liked 2

If you are not worried, you have not been paying attention. “National populism” – itself a polite misnomer for a radical right ideology that also claims to attack the elites – is going international. Viktor Orbán, bankrolled by the EU and the Hungarian treasury, is trying to establish himself as the impresario of this transnational…

New publication: the 2024 European parliamentary elections in Germany and 26 other EU member states

New publication: the 2024 European parliamentary elections in Germany and 26 other EU member states 3

After the 2019 Green wave, many observers expected a blue-brownish backlash for 2024. And in many countries, these observers (who are these people, and why are they always so well-informed?) were not disappointed. In Germany, the governing “progressive” coalition took a rather spectacular beating, while the main opposition, the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) performed ok-ish. The…

I talked to Deborah Cole about the AfD & Germany’s east

Ten days or so ahead of the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, I had a chat with Berlin-based British Deutschlandversteher Deborah Cole. Some quotes made it into this excellent explainer piece in the Guardian. Looks like Germany failed the test. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/aug/29/germany-state-elections-populists-afd-bsw

Interview mit dem Handelsblatt zum BVG-Urteil, dem Streit in der Ampel und der AfD

Mit Dietmar Neuerer habe ich ausführlich über den Leidensweg des Heizungsgesetzes und die Dauerkrise der Koalition gesprochen. Das Interview ist zum größeren Teil hinter einer Paywall, aber ganz zu lesen, wenn man den Link im Incognito-Modus öffnet. https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/interview-cdu-und-csu-waeren-schlecht-beraten-einen-heizungswahlkampf-zu-fuehren/v_detail_tab_comments/29244652.html