Rightist AfD Flügel Faction Holds Meeting at Historic Rightist Hot Spot

The AfD’s Flügel faction has met at the Kyffhäuser monument, a century-old symbol of nationalism and anti-republicanism. Built after the death of emperor Wilhelm I, this neo-Gothic pile aims to link Prussian rule to legends about the return of an medieval predecessor. It quickly became a focus for the anti-democratic leagues of German soldiers. The…

The AfD Goes Game of Thrones

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="180"] Photo by *_* [/caption] My favourite if vaguely remembered piece of medieval history is the bit when assorted popes, antipopes, and anti-antipopes busily excommunicated each other. The AfD has reached that stage. A few days ago, Lucke forced a motion of the national executive that aims at unseating Höcke as party…

Secret Services had 11 Informers in the NPD’s Leadership

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240"] Photo by ubiquit23 [/caption] If you are following the latest attempt to have Germany’s right-wing extremist NPD declared unconstitutional, you might be disappointed by the lack of news. Today, the federal states that push for such a ban have submitted four folders with additional evidence requested by the Federal Constitutional Court…

AfD: Lucke vs Höcke

Welcome back dear friends / to the show that never ends: In the latest instalment of the great AfD soap,  national leader Lucke is trying to remove Höcke as leader in Thuringia over Höcke’s friendly words towards the NPD. Contrary to some reports, Lucke is not (yet)  trying to kick Höcke out of the party…

The AfD in Tailspin

Update : Lucke now thinks that a break-up may be inevitable. Sunday evening, time for my weekly post on the state of the AfD. So, without further ado, a look at this week’s carnage. [caption id="" align="alignright" width="500"] Photo by JamesReaFotos [/caption] NPD The right-wing extremist NPD claims that they are “networking” with AfD functionaries…