— Kai Arzheimer 🇪🇺 (@kai_arzheimer) June 14, 2020
Tag: fun
How the tidyverse changed my view of #rstats
Back in the mist of time, when I should have been was working on my PhD, I found a blue book on the shelf that a previous occupant of the office had left there. As I learned later, it was The Blue Book that introduced the S language, the predecessor of R. I got sidetracked…
Black-hole-Brexit meme
On the day of the umpteenth Not-So-Special Brexit Council, the stunning image of a super-massive black hole was revealed. In unrelated news, I live with two teenagers. So when idly trying to catch up on the less-than-stellar proceedings in Brussels, the headlines collided in my poor head. For posterity, here is some exclusive coverage of…
Germany’s carnival and the Alternative for Germany
Germany’s carnival is supposed to be funny and political. Usually it is neither. But sometimes, there is a glimpse. Mocked at Mainz This is a picture I took at the Rosenmontagszug in Mainz, a major parade that attracts hundreds of thousands of revellers. The front of the float shows a pretty realistic AfD election poster…
Trump, Wallace & Gromit, and maximizing a function R: three links I liked
It is a warm but grey and gloomy weekend in Germany, so here are three links I enjoyed: In case you were wondering whether Trump is a) evil, b) senile or c) a master strategist: here is a piece arguing that c) is unlikely, though a) and b) could easily be true at the same…
R vs Stata
This is me, about once per year, when I bemoan my lack of R-coolness whilst simultaneously enjoying my Stata-efficiency.