Tag: extreme right
I talked to Deborah Cole about the AfD & Germany’s east
Ten days or so ahead of the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, I had a chat with Berlin-based British Deutschlandversteher Deborah Cole. Some quotes made it into this excellent explainer piece in the Guardian. Looks like Germany failed the test. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/aug/29/germany-state-elections-populists-afd-bsw
How does the Far Right end up in government? And do Far Right governments make a difference?
How it started: far right governments as an exception A decade or two ago, far right governments were a rarity in Europe. Of course, there were the Berlusconi governments of the 1990s and early 2000s that included the radical right Lega (then still the Lega Nord) and the post-fascist Alleanza Nazionale, i.e. the rebranded MSI.…
A final look at AfD support before the 2024 European parliamentary elections
With just two days to go, this is my last look at AfD support in the polls before the 2024 EP elections.
Article in “Equal Times” about the role of the Far Right in the upcoming European Elections
This is an excellent longread, which is based on actual science: the author has talked to many colleagues and me, and much of what we told him made it into the final product.
Das Handelsblatt über das Zerwürfnis zwischen RN und AfD
Mit dem Handelsblatt habe ich ausführlich über die Hintergründe des öffentlich ausgetragenen Streits zwischen dem Rassemblement National und der AfD (bzw. Krah) gesprochen. Der Artikel ist momentan nicht hinter einer Paywall. https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/europawahl-nach-ss-eklat-afd-spitze-greift-gegen-krah-durch-01/100039144.html
The Washington Post reports on the Reichsbürger Plot
I gave 20 minutes of my life to a journalist who wrote up the story of Germany’s biggest terrorism trial “for an American audience”, which is a phrase that inspires all sorts of despair. But one of my many wonderful quotes made it into the final product. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/05/21/prince-heinrich-reichsburger-plot-trial
How high is support for the AfD 1 month before the EP elections?
Why had support for the AfD ballooned? And has it really come down in time for the 2024 EP elections?
Both Putin’s poodle and China’s tool? The AfD had a terrible week, and more’s to come
Germany’s radical right AfD party is in trouble. Here is an incomplete catalogue of their current problems.
The normalisation and destigmatisation of the radical right in Europe
I somehow missed this excellent interview with Vicente Valentim on his research into the dynamics of the radical right’s normalisation in Europe, but nearly two years later, it has become even more relevant. Reading it is well worth your time and attention.