Update: Bibliography on the Extreme Right in Western Europe
Once more, the erratic, eclectic, etc. Bibliography on the Extreme Right in Western Europe has been updated. Thanks for your input – keep those references coming!
Once more, the erratic, eclectic, etc. Bibliography on the Extreme Right in Western Europe has been updated. Thanks for your input – keep those references coming!
I am pleased to be able to inform you that the editors are happy with the revisions you made to your article and we can now proceed to publication. I could not agree more. The revised article will appear in 2015, possibly rather late. Meanwhile, the author’s version of my piece on Germany’s Alternative party…
Various news outlets reported this afternoon that there had been talks, perhaps even agreement between the (state) CDU and the (state) AfD to prevent Ramelow from being elected Minister-President. Obviously, nothing came out of this (neither party put a candidate on the slate), but still: Wither the blessing of the leadership, Merkel has created a…
Once more, I have updated the ever more eclectic bibliography on the Extreme Right in Europe. Help making it slightly less eclectic by mailing/tweeting/facebooking (is that a thing now?) suggestions for additions.
Today, I’m guest blogging on the #EP2014 results at the LSE’s execellent EUROPOPP blog. Click here for a number of opinionated and short “expert reactions” to yesterdays’s train wreck election.
Amidst the ongoing leadership crisis, financial doom and the possibility of a ban, Germany’s NPD is fighting a desperate European campaign. Here is the link to the interview. Photo by qousqous
You could not possibly make this up. Amidst a legal-constitutional battle over the NPD’s survival, the Secretary General (top executive manager) of Germany’s oldest right-wing extremist party NPD resigns over what is by now affectionately known as the Saarbrücken Penis Cake Affair. The story (as ridiculous as it gets) also involves Miss Nationalist Santa, and…
It’s been a boring three months without any offbeat news on the right-wing extremist NPD, but here is hope. The NPD tries to put some distance between themselves and a nationalist porn star.
Much has been said about the Front National’s performance in yesterday’s local elections, but not yet by everyone. Here is a bunch of useful links to bring your punditry up to scratch.
This week, guest-blogging at the LSE’s very useful European Politics and Policy blog: Why I think that the AfD’s likely success in the 2014 European election will give them a foothold in the German system.