The Great NPD Leadership Crisis (Christmas Edition)

The NPD ended 2013 with a veritable Christmas Panto. On December 19, Holger Apfel, who had become party leader in 2011, stepped down from this and other party offices citing his ill health. On December 22, the party’s highest decision making body published a communique that urged Apfel to ‘disprove allegations directed against him’. Within hours, the nature of these allegations emerged, first in the blogosphere, then in the mainstream media: One ‘young comrade’ (male) claimed that the (drunken) leader had sexually harassed him during the electoral campaign. Shortly afterwards, Apfel left the party for good.

Leader of German “National Democrats” (NPD) Resigns

Holger Apfel, the leader of Germany’s right-wing extremist National Democratic Party (NPD), resigns. Apfel’s move adds to the NPD’s many woes: The NPD is very nearly bankrupt as a result of financial irregularities. Moreover, the party’s constitutionality is currently being investigated by the Federal Constitutional Court. These proceedings could result in a ban of the NPD.

Interview with Deutsche Welle on the Danish People’s Party & the New Populist Alliance

Interview mit der Deutschen Welle zur Einordnung der Dänischen Volkspartei und deren Rolle in einem möglichen Verbund europäischer Rechtsparteien. / CC BY-SAInterview with Deutsche Welle on the Danish People’s Party and their potential role within an alliance of right-wing populist parties in Europe.

Perspectives on the New Right Panel at the 7th ECPR Conference

[caption id="attachment_12671" align="alignleft" width="300"] Studying the Impact of Electoral Systems. Rather Remarkable Psychological and Mechanical Effects[/caption] During a momentary lapse of reason, Liz Carter and I decided to re-run our 2009 section on the New/Radical/Extreme/You Name It/Right. This resulted in two very agreeable days down in Bordeaux, with lots of interesting papers. Compared to the…