New publication: the 2024 European parliamentary elections in Germany and 26 other EU member states

New publication: the 2024 European parliamentary elections in Germany and 26 other EU member states 1

After the 2019 Green wave, many observers expected a blue-brownish backlash for 2024. And in many countries, these observers (who are these people, and why are they always so well-informed?) were not disappointed. In Germany, the governing “progressive” coalition took a rather spectacular beating, while the main opposition, the Christian Democrats (CDU/CSU) performed ok-ish. The…

Gespräch mit dem SWR über BriefwählerInnen und die Landtagswahl 2021 in Rheinland-Pfalz

Mit dem SWR habe ich über die Bedeutung der Briefwahl für den Wahlkampf und die zu erwartende Mobilisierung bei der Landtagswahl in Rheinland-Pfalz gesprochen. Das Ergebnis findet sich hier. [contentcards url="" target="_blank"]

California vs Russia, Ukrainian bribery, Mr P comes to Little Britain, false flag attack in Germany, and the fire-hose of anti-vaxx lies: 5 links I liked

California vs Russia, Ukrainian bribery, Mr P comes to Little Britain, false flag attack in Germany, and the fire-hose of anti-vaxx lies: 5 links I liked 4

Over at Crooked Timber, John Quiggin asks an odd yet interesting question: Would Republican voters rather live under a government like that of Russia, or one like that of California? Barbara McQuade, an actual law professor and former US attorney, argues that what the testimonies from the impeachment hearings add up to bribery. Still not sure if…