Wähler extrem rechter Parteien und Methoden zu ihrer Erforschung: zwei neue Arbeitspapiere

files, paper, office

Vor sechs Jahren erschien die zweite Auflage des “Handbuch Rechtsextremismus” von Virchow et al., zu dem ich mich damals etwas kritisch geäußert habe. Umso mehr freue ich mich, dass ich bei neu konzipierten dritten Auflage dabei sein darf. Das Handbuch soll im nächsten Jahr erscheinen. In der Vergangenheit haben sich solche Aussagen häufig als überoptimistisch…

No Putsch in the #AfD

Earlier this year, Jörg Meuthen resigned from his post as co-leader of the AfD and, like two of his predecessors, also left the party. Meuthen, an academic economist, had become a co-leader in 2015 following Lucke’s ouster and had been billed as a representative of the AfD’s ‘moderate’, economically liberal and fiscally conservative faction. Like…

Germany’s AfD 2013-2022: much, much stronger in the eastern states

My piece on the role that Germany’s eastern states – the territory of the former GDR – have played for the breakthrough and rise of the radical right Alternative for Germany has been “forthcoming” for a while. So long indeed that it was necessary to update this graph, which shows how (and where) electoral support…

Deutsche Welle on the AfD’s role in the Bundestag

In Germany’s parliaments, the other parties have created a cordon sanitaire around the AfD – and rightfully so. Deutsche Welle has an interesting article on this subject, with some input from Isabelle Borucki and yours truly. https://www.dw.com/en/germanys-far-right-afd-feels-shunned-by-opponents-in-the-bundestag/a-60151662