Die AfD in Rheinland-Pfalz: Interview mit dem Trierischen Volksfreund

Mit dem Trierischen Volksfreund habe ich aus Anlaß der Landtagswahl über die AfD in Rheinland-Pfalz gesprochen und die Unterschiede zwischen den Landesverbänden gesprochen. Der Artikel steht hier: [contentcards url="http://www.volksfreund.de/nachrichten/region/rheinlandpfalz/rheinlandpfalz/landtagswahl+2016./RLP-und-Nachbarn-Wie-Parteimitglieder-Forscher-und-Kritiker-die-AfD-in-Rheinland-Pfalz-einschaetzen-Widersprueche-bleiben;art806,4450079"]

Quick hit on the Super State Election Sunday (TM)

A mere three hours after the event, it’s obviously too early to write something coherent about the three state elections that were held in Germany today. So let’s try it anyway: For the time being, Germany has a viable Radical Right Populist Party. A result of ~24% in the Eastern state of Sachsen-Anhalt is a…

The NPD ban, the AfD, and Germany’s role in the EU: Interview with NPR Worldview

The NPD ban, the AfD, and Germany's role in the EU: Interview with NPR Worldview 3

[contentcards url="https://www.wbez.org/shows/worldview/german-court-considers-case-that-would-ban-neo-nazi-party/42877584-36c8-4fa1-9ad2-f8690628b25e"] On Wednesday, I was live on NPR’s Worldview program talking about the possible ban of the NPD, the rise of the AfD, and the implications for the EU. That sounds like a lot of acronyms, but then again, 15 minutes was more than the 90 seconds of soundbites I had budgeted for :-)…

The AfD and refugees: Fire (and forget)

Everyone is excited this morning,  because AfD leader Frauke Petry suggested that German police officers should shoot refugees at the border if necessary (what ever that means). With the usual qualifications and rhetorical back doors, the party is happily channeling the vigilante spirit that has grabbed parts of the German public. Disgust and free headlines…