After a mere three years, I’m back to working on a German SEM textbook. The hiatus is not entirely my fault. Back in 2009, the editors told me not to rush it. They felt that they should kick off their new series (to be published by VS, which in the meantime became VS Springer) with an introductory text on – you guessed it – linear regression. So I put my embryonic manuscript on the backburner, where it has simmered quite comfortably ever since (is that sufficient to trigger a bad metaphor alert?). Now the editors tell me that the linear regression textbook has also failed to materialise so far, because the author does not feel like contributing to a series that does not yet exist. It’s like a reverse game of chicken.
But I seriously intend to break out of this equilibrium, and this is where you come in: It’s time to draw up yet another wishlist and tell me what I should cover in this book. The intended audience are MA/PhD students who need an applied introduction, and the length of the manuscript will be about 120 pages, so you should think SEM for Dummies (if that was not already copyrighted). What I have so far is the introduction (if you read German) and a chapter on SEM basics (from the outline, you should be able to get a rough idea even if you do not read German). Now I need to know which basic and more involved applications you would like to see in chapters 3 and 4. Please leave a comment on this or that page or get in touch using Facebook, twitter, email, text …
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