- Philip Converse obit – The Washington Post http://t.co/NlDQS8yahl
- @gilaschauer: Articles in the Guardian today reminded me to be grateful that there is no #REF in Germany yet. http://t.co/G302QiQ4GX
- Executive summary: How to vote in Greece. H/T @A_Katsanidou http://t.co/qzo8HIq7um
- Crossing the line: #Farage attacks pupils’ #Ukip parody app featuring Nicholas Fromage | Politics | The Guardian http://t.co/lfhmWD4GT8
- French Politics: The Extreme Right and “Entrisme” http://t.co/VvYyxFtAwI
- Thatcher considered UK chemical weapons programme, documents show | UK news | The Guardian http://t.co/Xbb44gEYvW