- This is old news now: “In German City Rich With History and Tragedy, Tide Rises Against Immigration” – http://t.co/AyxbdmcKoQ #Pegida
- Mind the comma: RT @AcademicsSay: cc @CelebrityOxford http://t.co/DBZTJBZZgr
- Germany Reopens Case of Oktoberfest Bombing – http://t.co/MTMqAzaMNJ
- Nigel #Farage asked former Conservative MP Enoch #Powell to endorse #Ukip | Politics | The Guardian http://t.co/BqHsEywGwn
- Tweeting Ferguson: how social media can (and cannot) facilitate protest http://t.co/9XA7Hckjhv
- For once, my prediction was correct. Very confusing: “Members of #AfD leadership join #Pegida march” http://t.co/jiXDy9fC2q
Six links I liked – kai arzheimer http://t.co/9XryJU3EUG