Wie kann Demokratie wehrhaft sein?

Aus mehrfachem aktuellen Anlass startet der Landtag Rheinland-Pfalz eine neue Reihe zum Thema “wehrhafte Demokratie”. Bei der Eröffnungsveranstaltung durfte ich den Einführungsvortrag halten. Die Präsentation dazu gibt es hier zum Nachlesen.

Wie groß ist das Potential von AfD, BSW und der Linken bei der Bundestagswahl 2025?

Wie gut oder schlecht sind die Erfolgsaussichten von “Alternative für Deutschland”, “Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht” und der Linken bei der bevorstehenden Bundestagswahl? Warum werden diese Parteien überhaupt gewählt, und wie wirkt sich der Wahlkampf, der nun begonnen hat, auf ihre Chance aus? Über diese und andere Fragen konnte ich bei einer gemeinsamen Veranstaltung der Landeszentrale für…

SCoRE and the geography of radical right resentment in Germany

The good folks at Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin have invited me for a talk about our ORA project on subnational contexts and the Radical Right in general, and some findings on the German case in particular. [su_box title="Update"]This research has become an open access journal article. Click on the DOI to read it! [bibtex file=ka.bib sort=year order=desc…

The rise of right-wing populist and radical groups in Europe. Is history repeating itself?

Back in March 2018, the Montreal Holocaust Museum invited me to an expert panel that they were organising as part of their Action Week against Racism. The topic: the resurgence of aggressive right-wing politics in Europe. Speaking on this issue, at this institution, was both poignant and humbling. Here are my slides. [slideshare id=93881200&doc=arzheimer-montreal-180414224430]

Deliberation does not reduce the gap between citizens’ and legislators’ ethical preferences

Deliberation does not reduce the gap between citizens’ and legislators’ ethical preferences 1

This week, I had the opportunity to talk on the Nuffield Politics Seminar about my current project on citizens’s preferences on Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) and how they differ from what lawmakers decided. The feedback I got was amazing, though not always practical (“If you could go back in time and vary about 10 experimental conditions…

Gibt es eine europäische Wertegemeinschaft? Die Wertpräferenzen der Europäer, 2002-2010

Slides (in German) for a talk I gave at the University of Zurich on the idea of a European set of value priorities. While preferences are very similar across Europe, with universalism and benevolence coming out top and self-enhancement ranking low, security is crucial for the post-communist societies in Central & Eastern Europe. I further…