Germany’s Federal Constitutional Court has inched a little closer towards banning Germany’s oldest far-right party. After pondering the issue (and more importantly, the evidence) for a mere two years, the court has formally opened the proceedings that could result in a ban. A previous attempt to outlaw the NPD collapsed in 2003 because of the very large number of informers in the party’s leadership whose identity the government refused to reveal even to the high judges. This time around, the court has declared itself satisfied that the evidence is not contaminated.
Whether the party will eventually ban the NPD is a different question. The court will revisit the case in March 2016. Here is a short piece from Deutsche Welle that provides some background on the issue.
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: One baby step towards banning the right-wing extremist NPD
RT @kai_arzheimer: One baby step towards banning the right-wing extremist NPD – kai arzheimer #NPD
RT @kai_arzheimer: German Constitutional Court inches towards banning right-wing extremist NPD party
RT @kai_arzheimer: One baby step towards banning the right-wing extremist NPD – kai arzheimer #NPD
RT @kai_arzheimer: One baby step towards banning the right-wing extremist NPD – kai arzheimer #NPD