Interview with Diário de Notícias on Schulz vs Gabriel

With the upcoming (well, sort of) election and the shenanigans in the SPD, the world is watching Germany. The other day, I was interviewed by a journalist working for Diário de Notícias. [contentcards url=""] Just like the next guy, I love the sound of Portuguese, but I don’t understand any more than the odd word…

Politico and NBC News on the Far Right in Germany

Before Christmas, I had yet another chat with the journalist Yardena Schwartz, who covers Germany for various outlets in the US. Parts of our conversation re-surface in a piece she wrote for Politico on Germany’s Far Right: [contentcards url=""] She also published an article on how the Far Right tries to capitalise from the Berlin…

The AfD and German Media

I recently had a lengthy chat with Yardena Schwartz on the AfD’s significance for German politics, and their likely trajectory. One thing that came out of it is a CJR article on the (mis?)representation of the AfD and their voters in the German media. I don’t agree with everything she writes, but it is certainly…

Gespräch mit “Volksfreund” über den AfD im Landtag

Der rheinland-pfälzische Landtag wird in Zukunft die Pressemeldungen der Fraktionen nicht mehr auf seiner Homepage veröffentlichen. Hintergrund ist, die Landtagsverwaltung nicht für möglicherweise justiziable Aussagen der AfD in Mithaftung genommen werden möchte. Über diesen Vorgang habe ich gestern mit dem Trierischen Volksfreund gesprochen. Einige Einschätzungen zur Vokabel “Volksverrat” sind in diesen Artikel eingeflossen: [contentcards url=";art806,4572988"]

The AfD’s Facebook strategy (Bloomberg)

I had a lengthy chat with someone from Bloomberg on the AfD and their use of Social Media. The result is a short piece with some soundbites by me. If you want to know a little more about the AfD’s role in the darker corners of the German Interwebs, have a look at my APSA…

Namechecked by the Huffington Post

In passing, the Huffington Post mentions my AJPS article on Contextual Effects. Very flattering, though the whole story is a bit more complicated than the Post suggests. [contentcards url=""]

Kurzinterview zu den “Reichsbürgern”

[contentcards url=";art806,4547168"] Nach der Tötung eines Polizisten ist das mediale Interesse an den bis dato weithin unbekannten “Reichsbürgern” groß. Im Kurzinterview versuche ich einige Fragen zu dieser Gruppe zu beantworten.