Wonder about recent and previous research on the Radical Right? Here is a public service announcement: Since at least some leaves are brown and the sky is mostly grey, it must be time for the autumn update to the ever more eclectic (and erratic!) bibliography on the Radical/Extreme Right in Western Europe. This is a major revision: Since the spring edition, the bibliography has grown from 506 to 613 titles on the New/Radical/Populist/Extreme/You-Know-What-I-Mean Right (that’s a cool 21% increase). The growth is mostly due to a wealth of new articles that have appeared in the last couple of years. Unlike in previous editions, I have included a number of titles that are still on my to-read list, purely on the grounds that they look interesting. As always, please send me your suggestions for further additions to the list.
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: Radical Right Bibliography: A major update https://t.co/Lax7mfqhh5
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: Radical Right Bibliography: A major update https://t.co/Lax7mfqhh5
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: Radical Right Bibliography: A major update https://t.co/RzwJQKdc1q
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: Radical Right Bibliography: A major update https://t.co/RzwJQKdc1q
RT @kai_arzheimer: From the vault: Radical Right Bibliography: A major update https://t.co/RzwJQKdc1q