The utterly erratic and ridiculously eclectic bibliography on far-right parties and their voters has been online for nearly five years now and contains just under 500 references. Obviously, it’s time for some semi-serious statistical analysis. To kick things off, I’m looking at the distribution of articles across journals, which is dominated by (surprise!) European and comparative outfits.
Photo by Gueоrgui
Here is the full table:
Journal | No of Articles |
European Journal of Political Research | 36 |
West European Politics | 29 |
Party Politics | 15 |
Acta Politica | 12 |
Electoral Studies | 11 |
Comparative Political Studies | 10 |
Parliamentary Affairs | 9 |
Osteuropa | 7 |
Patterns of Prejudice | 6 |
{\”O}sterreichische Zeitschrift f{\”u}r Politikwissenschaft | 5 |
Political Psychology | 5 |
Scandinavian Political Studies | 5 |
Comparative European Politics | 5 |
British Journal of Political Science | 5 |
American Sociological Review | 5 |
European Sociological Review | 4 |
Government and Opposition | 4 |
Political Studies | 4 |
Ethnic and Racial Studies | 4 |
Journal of Political Ideologies | 3 |
American Journal of Political Science | 3 |
Comparative Politics | 3 |
Swiss Political Science Review | 3 |
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 3 |
Journal of Social Issues | 2 |
Contemporary European History | 2 |
K{\”o}lner Zeitschrift f{\”u}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie | 2 |
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies | 2 |
International Journal of Public Opinion Research | 2 |
American Political Science Review | 2 |
European Union Politics | 2 |
European Political Science Review | 2 |
Social Forces | 2 |
The Journal of Politics | 2 |
Acta Sociologica | 2 |
European Journal of Social Theory | 1 |
Journal of Civil Society | 1 |
Totalitarian Movements \& Political Religions | 1 |
Political Behavior | 1 |
Dansk Sociologi | 1 |
Oxford Economic Papers | 1 |
Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions | 1 |
East European Politics and Societies | 1 |
Comparative Governance and Politics | 1 |
Review of Politics | 1 |
Rationality and Society | 1 |
East European Politics | 1 |
The SAIS Review of International Affairs | 1 |
Pacific Sociological Review | 1 |
Central European Political Studies Review | 1 |
Socio-Economic Review | 1 |
International Political Science Review | 1 |
Studies in Comparative International Development | 1 |
Journal of Contemporary European Research | 1 |
European Journal of Social Psychology | 1 |
Sociology of Religion | 1 |
Sociological Quarterly | 1 |
American Journal of Sociology | 1 |
Political Research Quarterly | 1 |
Journal of Peace Research | 1 |
Annual Review of Psychology | 1 |
Journal of Theoretical Politics | 1 |
Die Union | 1 |
new community | 1 |
Geojournal | 1 |
German Politics | 1 |
Review of Religious Research | 1 |
Annual Review of Sociology | 1 |
Comparative European Politcs | 1 |
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte | 1 |
Personality and Individual Differences | 1 |
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | 1 |
Regional Politics and Policy | 1 |
conflict \& communication online | 1 |
Social Science Quarterly | 1 |
Revue Politique et Parlementaire | 1 |
Partisan Review | 1 |
International Journal of Comparative Sociology | 1 |
Journal of Modern Italian Studies | 1 |
Public Opinion Quarterly | 1 |
Social Behavior and Personality | 1 |
Political Science Quarterly | 1 |
Journal of European Public Policy | 1 |
Political Communication | 1 |
International Journal of Sociology | 1 |
Australian Journal of Politics and History | 1 |
Theory and Society | 1 |
Leviathan | 1 |
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