The utterly erratic and ridiculously eclectic bibliography on far-right parties and their voters has been online for nearly five years now and contains just under 500 references. Obviously, it’s time for some semi-serious statistical analysis. To kick things off, I’m looking at the distribution of articles across journals, which is dominated by (surprise!) European and comparative outfits.
Here is the full table:
Journal | No of Articles |
European Journal of Political Research | 36 |
West European Politics | 29 |
Party Politics | 15 |
Acta Politica | 12 |
Electoral Studies | 11 |
Comparative Political Studies | 10 |
Parliamentary Affairs | 9 |
Osteuropa | 7 |
Patterns of Prejudice | 6 |
{\”O}sterreichische Zeitschrift f{\”u}r Politikwissenschaft | 5 |
Political Psychology | 5 |
Scandinavian Political Studies | 5 |
Comparative European Politics | 5 |
British Journal of Political Science | 5 |
American Sociological Review | 5 |
European Sociological Review | 4 |
Government and Opposition | 4 |
Political Studies | 4 |
Ethnic and Racial Studies | 4 |
Journal of Political Ideologies | 3 |
American Journal of Political Science | 3 |
Comparative Politics | 3 |
Swiss Political Science Review | 3 |
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 3 |
Journal of Social Issues | 2 |
Contemporary European History | 2 |
K{\”o}lner Zeitschrift f{\”u}r Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie | 2 |
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies | 2 |
International Journal of Public Opinion Research | 2 |
American Political Science Review | 2 |
European Union Politics | 2 |
European Political Science Review | 2 |
Social Forces | 2 |
The Journal of Politics | 2 |
Acta Sociologica | 2 |
European Journal of Social Theory | 1 |
Journal of Civil Society | 1 |
Totalitarian Movements \& Political Religions | 1 |
Political Behavior | 1 |
Dansk Sociologi | 1 |
Oxford Economic Papers | 1 |
Totalitarian Movements and Political Religions | 1 |
East European Politics and Societies | 1 |
Comparative Governance and Politics | 1 |
Review of Politics | 1 |
Rationality and Society | 1 |
East European Politics | 1 |
The SAIS Review of International Affairs | 1 |
Pacific Sociological Review | 1 |
Central European Political Studies Review | 1 |
Socio-Economic Review | 1 |
International Political Science Review | 1 |
Studies in Comparative International Development | 1 |
Journal of Contemporary European Research | 1 |
European Journal of Social Psychology | 1 |
Sociology of Religion | 1 |
Sociological Quarterly | 1 |
American Journal of Sociology | 1 |
Political Research Quarterly | 1 |
Journal of Peace Research | 1 |
Annual Review of Psychology | 1 |
Journal of Theoretical Politics | 1 |
Die Union | 1 |
new community | 1 |
Geojournal | 1 |
German Politics | 1 |
Review of Religious Research | 1 |
Annual Review of Sociology | 1 |
Comparative European Politcs | 1 |
Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte | 1 |
Personality and Individual Differences | 1 |
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research | 1 |
Regional Politics and Policy | 1 |
conflict \& communication online | 1 |
Social Science Quarterly | 1 |
Revue Politique et Parlementaire | 1 |
Partisan Review | 1 |
International Journal of Comparative Sociology | 1 |
Journal of Modern Italian Studies | 1 |
Public Opinion Quarterly | 1 |
Social Behavior and Personality | 1 |
Political Science Quarterly | 1 |
Journal of European Public Policy | 1 |
Political Communication | 1 |
International Journal of Sociology | 1 |
Australian Journal of Politics and History | 1 |
Theory and Society | 1 |
Leviathan | 1 |
RT @kai_arzheimer: What are the most important #journals for students of the extreme/far/radical/populist #right?
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RT @kai_arzheimer: What are the most important #journals for students of the extreme/far/radical/populist #right?
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