Germany’s Eurosceptic AfD is expected to do well in the European Elections, at least by German standards: They are projected to clear the three per cent threshold, which would above all give them access to public funds and more PR opportunities.
After I called them ‘anti-European’ on public radio, upset party members have been in touch (and all over facebook) to inform me that they are ‘anti-EU’ (or rather against the EU in its present shape), but not against ‘Europe’ per se. They even claimed that they are pro-European, in a fashion. Hm.
I duly decided to mend my ways and read their manifesto front to back, but as it turns out, there is neither a proper manifesto (again, by German standards) nor something specific to the EP2014. All they have on their website is the 14 pt/4 page document they had quickly drawn up just in time for the German general election that was held last September (a legal requirement for fielding lists).
So I extracted the text from this PDF and made a wordle from it (incidentally, suggested typsetting the result in Fraktur, but I decided that would create a certain bias). As you can see, ‘fordern’ (demand) is the most frequent word, which results from the heavy use of litany in this short text. The second most important word is ‘Deutschland’. Euro and EU also feature, but they are on par with ‘Kinder’ (children) and ‘education’ (Bildung), issues over which ‘Europe’ has no jurisdiction.
This is not an artifact of the party’s name (which appears only twice in the text). ‘EU-/Eurosceptic’ they may be, but this rather goes to show that the party seems very much concerned with Germany and German politics. Right now, different factions within the party – conservatives, liberals, whatnot – try to define what the AfD stands for. It will be interesting to see what future party documents will tell us about this struggle.
hi there. is the manifesto in english? thks
No, everything on their website is in German
RT @kai_arzheimer: New Post: #Germany’s #AfD: What’s in a Eurosceptic Manifesto? » kai arzheimer #EP2014
The non-manifesto of the AfD – via @kai_arzheimer
New Post: #Germany’s #AfD: What’s in a Eurosceptic Manifesto? » kai arzheimer #EP2014