Following the revelations about the forces’ disastrous failure to uncover (let alone catch) the murderous ‘Nationalsozialistischer Untergrund’ terror group, federal investigators have launched a fresh probe into some 3300 unsolved cases of (attempted) murder. According to Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung, they have identified 746 crimes that that could have been committed by right-wingers for political reasons. Official records. These cases will be referred back to regional police forces for further investigations. So far, the official number of right-wing murders since 1990 was in the region of some 60 cases. Seriously (though many people doubted this figure).
Here is the link to the original story (in German).
Not really, @GoodwinMJ , just making recommendations to state police forces #federalismfail
RT @kai_arzheimer: #Germany 1990-2011: some 700 extra #right-wing killings? #extremism
#Germany 1990-2011: some 700 extra #right-wing killings? #extremism
RT @kai_arzheimer: #Germany 1990-2011: Some Extra 700 Cases of (Attempted) #Right-Wing #Murder? » kai arzheimer