The Guardian has a highly informative article on “political beauty”, a German political performance art collective. After Björn Höcke’s infamous “memorial of shame” speech, Political Beauty built a replica of the Berlin Holocaust memorial on a plot next to the right-wingers house. They also said that they would observe the man as part of their installation. The whole thing was controversial at the time, which was arguably the point. Now it has emerged that a state prosecutor has been investigating Political Beauty over allegations of forming a criminal organisation. By strange coincidence, the same prosecutor has also donated a small sum of money to the AfD. After the public outcry that followed this revelation, the higher-ups have ordered that the investigation would be dropped. But it is still worrying that people who rose through the ranks of the judiciary show sympathy for the most extreme elements within the AfD.
And there is more: Colleagues at the WZB have published a working paper that looks into the conduct of MPs for the AfD in state parliaments. Höcke and friends felt that this violated their rights and sued. Thankfully, a court has dismissed their claims, deciding that the study is perfectly within the limits of academic freedom and freedom of speech. Which reminds me of another case from a couple of years ago: The NPD sued colleague Steffen Kailitz, an expert witness in the trial against them, for making public statements on their ideology. The judge who granted them a temporary injunction (later overturned) was Jens Maier, now an MP for the AfD.
German police forces from four eastern states have raided a large number of properties linked to network of right-wing extremists. They are investigating some 50 alleged crimes including instances of assault and illegal possession of weapons.
And finally, to provide some comic relief: Nigel Farage has unveiled the manifesto of his new Brexit party. Politics Joe has turned this into another video work of art, which cannot be unseen once you have watched it ?