kai arzheimer

The Eclectic, Erratic Bibliography on the Extreme Right in Western Europe

Much of my work is on the parties of the Extreme/Radical Right and their voters. Over the years, I have accumulated a large and growing bibliography of titles on this subject. You can download the complete bibliography on the Extreme Right here (bibtex, can be imported into Endnote, Zotero, and most other programs), or you can just search/skim through the list below. Most of the links/DOIs work most of the time.
There are currently 1440 (and counting) titles in the bibliography. I have a series of annual/semi-annual blog posts that discuss the respective new additions to the bibliography.

If that all seems a bit too much, I have written a couple of review articles that you might find helpful. One focuses on the social profile of Radical Right voters (ungated version), while the other takes a slightly more general perspective by surveying the various mechanisms for explaining electoral support for the Radical Right that have been suggested in the literature (ungated version).

You will also note that the terminology has shifted a bit over time (from Extreme Right in the 1990s and early 2000s to Radical Right later on, with a sprinkling of Far Right more recently). I have a chapter that explains why playing fast and loose with terminology is not a big problem for research on the Radical Right / Far Right / Extreme Right / Populist Right / Authoritarian Right (ungated author’s version).

Evil Elon’s changes at Twitter (temporarily) broke the robot’s ability to post. I hope that my fixes last longer than his stewardship of the platform.

Finally, for updates and serendipitous insights, follow the bibliography on Twitter. If you are so inclined, the (rarely repetitive) Radical Right Research Robot is also on Mastodon. Blimey: the boisterous bot is also on Bluesky.

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