Why does Sahra Wagenknecht see me as a potential donor for her new party?
Why is Sahra Wagenknecht’s new party targeting me as a potential donor? I have no idea, and the algo doesn’t really say.
Why is Sahra Wagenknecht’s new party targeting me as a potential donor? I have no idea, and the algo doesn’t really say.
What were the 5 posts in 2024 that people actually read? #1 will surprise you.
Germany’s campaign already reveals deep political divisions over Ukraine support.
Friedrich Merz, the CDU/CSU candidate for the chancellorship, is much more popular with men than with women. It makes you wonder why.
Germany’s radical right AfD party is in trouble. Here is an incomplete catalogue of their current problems.
Why banning the AfD is tricky, and what could be done instead.
Mit dem SWR bzw. Tagesschau online habe ich ausführlich darüber gesprochen, wie die aktuellen Massendemonstrationen einzuordnen sind.
Daa Handelsblatt hat einen ausführlichen Artikel zu den Massenprotesten, in dem auch ich zu Wort komme.
Very worried, I think. And why is that? Glad you asked: I explain that on the latest Germany in Focus podcast, from 26:30
Was bewirken die Massenproteste gegen Rechtsextremismus bei den AfD-Wählerinnen und -wählern?