Sampling from a Multinomial Distribution in Stata

Sometimes, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. Which, in my case, might be a little simulation of a random process involving an unordered categorical variable. In R, sampling from a multinomial distribution is trivial. rmultinom(1,1000,c(.1,.7,.2,.1)) gives me a vector of random numbers from a multinomial distribution with outcomes 1, 2, 3, and…

New Political Science Blog

Colleagues over at the School of Politics and International Relations at the University of Nottingham have started yet another political science blog. Its official name is “Ballots & Bullets”, but I find its URL rather more memorable. They started out only six weeks ago, but the range of topics and the number of articles…

Old Talks

Here are some older talks (going back to 2003) that I have saved from the old website. Mainz 2009 Politikverdrossenheit: Begrifflichkeit, Entwicklung, Ursachen, Lösungsansätze London 2008 Knowledge Networks in EuropeanPolitical Science Mainz 2007 Die Wahrnehmung des deutschen Parteiensystem durch die Bürger, 1997-2005 Was lehren uns Integrationstheorien über die EU? Was können Integrationstheoretiker von der EU…