More Local Information

From the Great Pyramid to Berlin’s shambolic airport experience, public building projects have a tendency towards overspending, confusion, and delay. Rather unsurprisingly, the new Social Science building in Mainz is no exception, and so we will in all likelihood hold the 41st Joint Sessions not in this shiny new temple of knowledge but rather in…

Party Identification in Germany: A Journey

I’ve just published a chapter on party identification’s continuing relevance for electoral choice in Germany (in German). I like the piece well enough, and it is full of nice graphs, but its intellectual history (if I may say so) is more than a little bit convoluted. It began its life some twelve years ago or…

Paper Proposals: What’s next?

The deadline for paper proposals has now passed. While everyone was watching the drama across the Atlantic, we’ve been quietly celebrating that many, many of you submitted your paper proposals for the 41st Joint Sessions of Workshops in March, sometimes quite literally at the 11th hour (or even  a little later). Thanks to everyone who…

Joint Sessions 2013: Local Excursions

Going to the 41st Joint Sessions? Looking forward to the “Social” in Social Science? We’ve posted information on a couple of guided walking tours on the local website, including the “Great Wine Capital” and the “Sparkling Wine” tour. Highly recommended, though the “walking” part could become a bit of a challenge!

New Blog & Data Base on Political Extremism: Extremis Project

If you are at all interested in political extremism, go straight to the (relatively) new hub that is the Extremis Project. Short updates by country experts, lengthy pieces of in-depth analysis, a growing research database – they have it all. Hell, they even ran a sort of birthday special for the FN’s 40th anniversary.My only…

ECPR Gen Conference 2013: Last Chance to Submit Extreme/Radical/Populist/New/etc. Right panel proposals

The 7th ECPR General Conference will be held at Sciences Po Bordeaux in September 2013. This is your last chance to submit  your panel proposal for our section “Perspectives on the New Right” (or for any other section) , as the deadline is October 5. Submit your proposal at: