Joint Sessions 2013 Gearing Up & Panoramic Pictures

Joint Sessions 2013 Gearing Up & Panoramic Pictures 1

After a final briefing session for the many student helpers we have hired, we are as ready as we will ever be. In a little role playing exercise, I tried to simulate the behaviour of the average academic sociopath. While I quite enjoyed that part, I’m hoping that they will still turn up for work on Monday, and that you will treat them a little kinder than I did today (should not be too difficult).

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In other news, we found a gallery of rather good panoramic pictures of Mainz on the local newspaper’s site. My favourite is the one of the weather vane on the cathedral. The fact that no one could be bothered to put the camera above the scaffolding adds a touch of charming amateurism.


Joint Sessions 2013: Some Pictures and a Dalek

I know that blogging is a wee bit monothematic at the moment, and frankly, I could not care less. So here are some pictures of Jasmin’s lair, which by now contains roughly 700 conference bags (to be stuffed from tomorrow), several dozen books, lots of other paperwork, the ECPR flag and a small British tea kettle, complete with UK plug and a set of adaptors. The latter items arrived today in that Dalek-like black box in the middle. Seriously.

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In other news, it was a beautiful bright and sunny day in Mainz (more webcams here). We hope the weather stays this fine. If not, there is always that workshop on climate change 2.0.

Review: Gideon Botsch, Gideon Botsch, Die extreme Rechte in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland von 1949 bis heute [in German]

I’ve just completed a review of Gideon Botsch’s history of Right-Wing Extremism in Germany after 1945 for Jahrbuch Extremismus & Demokratie. The book is good, but obviously, I have few quibbles, mostly with the (lack of) theoretical underpinnings. I also think that it is a bit too short (I seem never to  get enough of…