Local Heroes? Der Effekt räumlicher Distanz zwischen Wählern und Kandidaten bei der Unterhauswahl in England 2010″ (Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences)

Slides (in German) for my recent talk about our geolocation and voting project at the Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences. The presentation is based on [bibtex file=ka.bib key=arzheimer-evans-2012]. The full PDF for the presentation is here.

New Publication: The Left, East vs West, and the 2009 Election

VS/Springer has just published the a massive volume on the 2009 Bundestag election. Our chapter looks (once more) into the differences between voters in the former Federal Republic and their eastern compatriots in the 2009 election. While these differences persist, we find that people in the West are also deviating from traditional patterns of voting behaviour. (In German)

Hydration Advice

Hydration Advice 3

If 600+ scientists follow current government advice, they should drink about 3000  litres of water over a five day period. Accordingly, roughly that amount was delivered yesterday by our partner Viva con Agua, leaving me slightly worried about the structural integrity of the floor, which is more attuned to support mildly obese academics. It’s really not easy being green.

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Other deliveries include 300 metres of power cord and several and hundreds of kilos of books. While I always knew that running this show involves a lot of stuff, actually seeing all of it squeezed into one room is disconcerting and strangely exhilarating at the same time.