Germany: The AfD’s (Moderate) Success in Perspective
Today, I’m guest blogging on the #EP2014 results at the LSE’s execellent EUROPOPP blog. Click here for a number of opinionated and short “expert reactions” to yesterdays’s train wreck election.
Today, I’m guest blogging on the #EP2014 results at the LSE’s execellent EUROPOPP blog. Click here for a number of opinionated and short “expert reactions” to yesterdays’s train wreck election.
In this post (the second in a mini-series of posts on our Stata add-on surveybias), we demonstrate how to analyse survey bias in the absence of raw data, using our command surveybiasi.
As previously reported on this blog, my PhD student and I are doing a CATI survey on European Identities. Here is how it worked out for us.
The first round of the French local elections created quite a stir, and the second wasn’t bad for the anoraks either.
Yesterday, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled on the constitutionality of Germany’s biggest broadcaster, telling parties to keep away. Plus there is a spoof video in this post.
Much has been said about the Front National’s performance in yesterday’s local elections, but not yet by everyone. Here is a bunch of useful links to bring your punditry up to scratch.
Thanks to the generosity of the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung, we are fielding a telephone survey on European and national identities. Our CATI studio runs on open source software, in the cloud. No, we are not exactly risk-adverse.
Here is a nice little conundrum for you: Can you say something relevant about politics, parties and political culture while staying absolutely neutral? And what do you do when your editor thinks you’ve crossed the line while you fail to see their point? Also featuring Red Hesse (or maybe not).
Germany’s Constitutional Court just killed the electoral threshold for European Elections. Here is the backstory, i.e. my random thoughts on the issue.
This week, guest-blogging at the LSE’s very useful European Politics and Policy blog: Why I think that the AfD’s likely success in the 2014 European election will give them a foothold in the German system.