Interview with Südwestpresse on low Turnout and Political Alienation
I’m talking turnout and alienation (“Politikverdrossenheit”) with Antje Berg over at the Südwestpresse newspaper (in German). Photo by lakelandlocal
I’m talking turnout and alienation (“Politikverdrossenheit”) with Antje Berg over at the Südwestpresse newspaper (in German). Photo by lakelandlocal
The Edathy Affair involves allegations of child porn consumption, treason, and emotional blackmailing. Just before Christmas, a parliamentary hearing left everyone more baffled than ever before. Here is my take on the likely medium-term outcomes. Photo by
Remembering the fall of the Berlin Wall in an interview with Today’s Zaman Photo by mattingham
Chat with dpa/Focus on the recent and rather spectacular cabinet reshuffle in Rhineland-Palatinate (in German) Photo by
Interview on the problems that Kurt Beck’s successor is facing (in German). Photo by
Amidst the ongoing leadership crisis, financial doom and the possibility of a ban, Germany’s NPD is fighting a desperate European campaign. Here is the link to the interview. Photo by qousqous
This is what came out of a lengthy interview with the BBC’s Nina Lamparski on the AfD, Farage in Cologne, and all that jazz. Photo by Gage Skidmore
By and large, the online “Green Primary” ahead of the Euro 2014 election was a failure. Deutsche Welle has a short feature on this experiment, in which I give my five (Euro) cent. Der Beitrag zur “Primary” ist auch auf Deutsch verfügbar. Photo by DBarefoot
Interview mit der Deutschen Welle zur Einordnung der Dänischen Volkspartei und deren Rolle in einem möglichen Verbund europäischer Rechtsparteien. / CC BY-SAInterview with Deutsche Welle on the Danish People’s Party and their potential role within an alliance of right-wing populist parties in Europe.
Interview mit der Deutschen Welle über das Bündnis von Front National und PVV (in German). Interview with Deutsche Welle on the emerging Wilders/Le Pen Alliance Roel Wijnants / / CC BY-NC