Interview with Public Radio International on the perception of Greece and Greeks in Germany
Public Radio International has an interesting segment on Greek migrants living in Germany. I’m quoted on German public opinion towards Greece & Greeks.
Public Radio International has an interesting segment on Greek migrants living in Germany. I’m quoted on German public opinion towards Greece & Greeks.
Aljazeera America did some digging and found support for Syriza amongst members of Germany’s LEFT party. I provide some perspective on the LEFT, and on Germany. Photo by Abode of Chaos
Langer Artikel im Handelsblatt über die Bedeutung und Gefahren des Internets für die AfD (inzwischen leider gelöscht), mit O-Tönen u.a. von mir. Hier meine aktuelle Publikation zum Thema.
Interview with Handelsblatt Global on right-wing activism and right-terrorism in Germany: A Clear and Present Danger. Update 2023: this is unfortunately gone with the rest of Handelsblatt Global. Photo by editor64
Im großen Stil wurden Firmen, Bürger und sogar Behörden ausgespäht – und keinen interessiert es wirklich. Hintergrundgespräch mit der Augsburger Allgemeinen über das relative Desinteresse der Öffentlichkeit an den Geheimdienstskandalen. Photo by ubiquit23
Link zum Artikel hier: Photo by BenL
Link zum Artikel hier:;art4306,3169023 Photo by Sozialfotografie [►] StR
Peter Gauweiler’s resignation created quite a stir, but in this interview with Handelsblatt Global, I argue that it does not matter for Europe or the government. May or may not be pay-walled, so I reflect on some of these points on the blog, too. Photo by
I’m talking turnout and alienation (“Politikverdrossenheit”) with Antje Berg over at the Südwestpresse newspaper (in German). Photo by lakelandlocal
The Edathy Affair involves allegations of child porn consumption, treason, and emotional blackmailing. Just before Christmas, a parliamentary hearing left everyone more baffled than ever before. Here is my take on the likely medium-term outcomes. Photo by