“Surfing a Wave of Fear & Discontent” – Interview with Handelsblatt Global on AfD, Pegida, and all that Jazz

protest march

[contentcards url="https://global.handelsblatt.com/edition/352/ressort/politics/article/surfing-on-a-wave-of-fear-2"] I had a lengthy chat about the new(ish) right in Germany with Siobhán Dowling. Part of that conversation became part of an excellent feature over had Handelsblatt Global (which may be paywalled by now).

Volksfreund: Keine Mehrheit für Landesregierung trotz Popularität

Ballot - Vote

[contentcards url="http://www.volksfreund.de/nachrichten/region/rheinlandpfalz/rheinlandpfalz/Heute-im-Trierischen-Volksfreund-Umfrage-Mehrheit-ist-zufrieden-mit-Rot-Gruen-aber-CDU-bleibt-staerkste-Kraft;art806,4415485"] Ich versuche dem Volksfreund zu erklären, warum Landesregierung und Ministerpräsidentin beliebt sind, aber trotzdem keine (Umfrage)mehrheit erzielen.

Guest blogging at Policy Network: Mass migration, terrorism fears, and Germany’s CDU

So far, Germany’s mainstream parties have resisted the temptation to construct a link between the current mass migration of refugees from the middle east and the growing (?) risk of islamist terror attacks in Europe. In a piece I wrote for Policy Network, I take a long(ish) hard look at the respective positions of Merkel’s…