Quoted in the observer

Deborah Cole (together with Jon Henley) has a good (i.e., mildly depressing) piece in this Sunday’s Observer on why the respective stalemates in Berlin and Paris are a slow-moving disaster for Europe. While she was working on it, we had a lengthy chat about the German end of the situation, and I’m very happy that…

I talked to Deborah Cole about the AfD & Germany’s east

Ten days or so ahead of the state elections in Saxony and Thuringia, I had a chat with Berlin-based British Deutschlandversteher Deborah Cole. Some quotes made it into this excellent explainer piece in the Guardian. Looks like Germany failed the test. https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/aug/29/germany-state-elections-populists-afd-bsw

Das Handelsblatt über das Zerwürfnis zwischen RN und AfD

folded newspapers

Mit dem Handelsblatt habe ich ausführlich über die Hintergründe des öffentlich ausgetragenen Streits zwischen dem Rassemblement National und der AfD (bzw. Krah) gesprochen. Der Artikel ist momentan nicht hinter einer Paywall. https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/deutschland/europawahl-nach-ss-eklat-afd-spitze-greift-gegen-krah-durch-01/100039144.html