Dismantling Sellafield: the epic task of shutting down a nuclear site

https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/dec/15/dismantling-sellafield-epic-task-shutting-down-decomissioned-nuclear-site?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other (theguardian.com)

When I was a boy, the sea off Sellafield was supposed to be the most radioactive body of water in the world. No idea if this was true, but this article about the past, present, and unfortunately very, very long future of Britain’s nuclear fuel industry is excellent.

Is there a future for the academic social capital held on twitter? | Impact of Social Sciences

https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/impactofsocialsciences/2022/11/19/requiem-for-a-tweet-is-there-a-future-for-the-academic-social-capital-held-on-the-platform/ (blogs.lse.ac.uk)

This, by Mark Carrigan, makes many good points re The Developments at Twitter and what they mean for academics, academics institutions, and the wider society