Scientific fraud, Soviet cosmonauts, fixed effects, comics: Links I liked

Why Andre Gelman doesn’t use the terms “fixed” and “random”. If he doesn’t, we shouldn’t. Probably [contentcards url=""] PhD Comics: Overtime [contentcards url=""] Academic fraud in Political Science [contentcards url=""] Posters from the Soviet Space Age. [contentcards url=""] And finally, Fascinating longread on the LaCour affair [contentcards url=""]

Links I Liked

RT @internetofshit: And that’s when our smart devices learned to blackmail us Don’t forget blueprint for this building was stolen, too Unafraid of #Greek / #German national stereotypes? Try this hilariously stupid video: V is for #Varoufakis Exactly MT @BioDataGanache: Sometimes peer review goes wrong… dreadfully wrong. RT @SLdeLange: Charming new poster from UDC/SVP youth…

Three Links I Liked

BBC News: Varoufakis ‘taped confidential EU meeting’ Interesting, but a wee bit pricey: “France and Fascism” monograph RT @BarnabyEdwards: Mum… Dad… I can’t keep it secret any longer: I’m Chinese.


Me, in AfD prophet mode: Full WEP article ($) Rage over the lost coin:British Polling Council seeks investigation into skewed results How I kept a promise to Ben. Definitively time to go home now.

Linkfest: Coding Advice, Libel Laws/Autocrats & Funny Pics

Great advice from the great: writing good code | OUPblog PHD Comics: Feeling sick English libel laws & Russian autocrats: ‘Book prize judges criticise decision to axe Putin exposé’ You want one of those. You know that you want one of those: Gnome Chomsky: The Essential Ornament for the Thinking Person’s Garden An illustration of…