Italy, the UK, Sweden, and Russia paying for AfD flights: four European crisis links I liked

Italy, the UK, Sweden, and Russia paying for AfD flights: four European crisis links I liked 1

Why did the Italian President use a half-forgotten constitutional power to veto Paolo Savona’s appointment as finance minister? Here is why. FAZ: Russia paid 25,000 Euro charter for a private plane for former leader Petry & two other AfD politicians’ visit An unnamed EU official said that the UK’s Brexit negotiators are chasing a fantasy.…

British Eurocrats, the Five Stars, Conference Posters, Dutch Twitter, and a surprise: five links I liked

Brexit-hit British EU staff ditch UK passports. As it turns out, the others still see them as Brits. The POP blog published an interesting article in 2017: “The 5 Star Movement is Neither Left-Wing nor Antifascist”, which is currently trending on Twitter (you wonder why). Still worth reading. Good advice on the LSE Impact Blog:…

Crooked right-wingers, Nazi Grandmas, pesky exam questions, and multiple party identification: four German links I liked

German media report that about 10 per cent of all MPs for the Radical Right AfD (state and federal level) are currently investigated by the police. Allegations range from incitement to fraud and tax evasion. In dubio pro and all that, but it’s not exactly what you normally mean by a law & order party,…

Pooling Polish polls, British parties and the EU, white nationalists, and the Radical Right’s gendered policy agendas: four links I liked

Brexit, Italy, twitter bots, Germany, blogs: five links I liked

From the Monkey Cage: Italy just voted for two very different kinds of populism The botrnot package for the R language: Which world leaders are actually bots? (Use your own judgment) Science community blogs: recognising value and measuring reach Germany being Germany (or Bavaria?): German minister under fire for no women in leadership team 11…

Brexit, Twitter, the AfD, Trump, and Brexit: Five links I liked

Spoiler: no spoiler: “What the 2015 Greek debt negotiations tell us about Germany’s negotiating stance on Brexit” (Luuk Molthof on the LSE blog) 48% of scientists on Twitter are social scientists? Only 48%? Interesting piece in the Atlantic about the AfD parliamentary party in the Bundestag and the Bundestag’s interaction with them. If you really,…

Bitcoin, Brexit, Beauty: Four links I liked

#Bitcoin an even bigger waste of energy than previously thought. Some people claim that running the currency (if it is one) right now use up as much energy as running Denmark. After careful consideration, I prefer Denmark. A long, thoughtful essay on Brexit, written from a semi-Canadian perspective. Well worth your time. Another little Brexit…