Brexit, Italy, twitter bots, Germany, blogs: five links I liked

From the Monkey Cage: Italy just voted for two very different kinds of populism The botrnot package for the R language: Which world leaders are actually bots? (Use your own judgment) Science community blogs: recognising value and measuring reach Germany being Germany (or Bavaria?): German minister under fire for no women in leadership team 11…

Brexit, Twitter, the AfD, Trump, and Brexit: Five links I liked

Spoiler: no spoiler: “What the 2015 Greek debt negotiations tell us about Germany’s negotiating stance on Brexit” (Luuk Molthof on the LSE blog) 48% of scientists on Twitter are social scientists? Only 48%? Interesting piece in the Atlantic about the AfD parliamentary party in the Bundestag and the Bundestag’s interaction with them. If you really,…

Bitcoin, Brexit, Beauty: Four links I liked

#Bitcoin an even bigger waste of energy than previously thought. Some people claim that running the currency (if it is one) right now use up as much energy as running Denmark. After careful consideration, I prefer Denmark. A long, thoughtful essay on Brexit, written from a semi-Canadian perspective. Well worth your time. Another little Brexit…

Trump, far-right parties, and academic websites: five links I liked

Germany’s top court does not ban the right-wing extremist NPD, because it deems the party irrelevant by now On the apparent madness in the White House: A Strategic Lens Won’t Bring Trump into Focus, So Let’s Give Psychology a Shot (Honest Graft) A rather different view on Trump: Trump’s lies as a rational choice (Fully…

Five Brexit links I did not really like


Links I liked: German Presidency, the AfD makes a silly mistake, and the 1975 Europe referendum

Germany’s president is not going to seek a second term. An article in the Economist explains why this matters The AfD is using stockphotos to illustrate its nativist message. The models are actually … Romanians There was another Brexit referendum 41 years ago. Here are some wonderful vintage photos. [contentcards url=""]

Links I liked: Daesh (Isis), College textbooks as a racket, and humanity’s lost battle against the machine

The controversy about how we should refer to the terrorist group known in Western Europe as “ISIS” has been going on for some time (the Americans prefer “ISIL”). If you followed the news after the recent attacks (and who hasn’t), you will have noticed that a third name, “Daesh”, is gaining currency with heads of…