Orbán travels in style, Putin meddles in Germany, Wagenknecht blackmails the CDU, and 1 Spanish scientist cheats his way to the top: 4 (or 5?) links I liked

Orbán travels in style, Putin meddles in Germany, Wagenknecht blackmails the CDU, and 1 Spanish scientist cheats his way to the top: 4 (or 5?) links I liked 2

If you are not worried, you have not been paying attention. “National populism” – itself a polite misnomer for a radical right ideology that also claims to attack the elites – is going international. Viktor Orbán, bankrolled by the EU and the Hungarian treasury, is trying to establish himself as the impresario of this transnational…

The normalisation and destigmatisation of the radical right in Europe

https://populismobserver.com/2022/06/13/interview-54-radical-right-between-stigma-and-normalization/ (populismobserver.com)

I somehow missed this excellent interview with Vicente Valentim on his research into the dynamics of the radical right’s normalisation in Europe, but nearly two years later, it has become even more relevant. Reading it is well worth your time and attention.