What are the most important journals for Radical Right research?

Which publishers are the most relevant for Radical Right research? Good question. https://twitter.com/FFRBookSeries/status/789509504576651269 Radical Right research by type of publication Currently, most of the items in the The Eclectic, Erratic Bibliography on the Extreme Right in Western Europe (TM) are journal articles. The books/chapters/articles ratios have shifted somewhat over the years, reflecting both general trends…

Five bumper years for Radical Right research

Five bumper years for Radical Right research 1

For the past 15 years or so, I have maintained an extensive collection of references on the Radical/Extreme/Populist/New/Whatever Right in Western Europe. Because I love TeX and other command line tools of destruction, these references live in a large BibTeX file. BibTeX is a well-documented format for bibliographic text files that has been around for…

Mogon matters

Taking a walk whilst running two variants of a slightly dodgy LTA in parallel on 64 of this baby’s 35,000-odd cores (to please a grumpy reviewer). Feeling like a proper scientist for a change. Needless to say that the whole thing shut down 35 minutes into the world’s fastest MPlus run, because the wardrobe-sized cooling unit broke down. Never happened on my desktop.

Mogon. Image Credit: ZDV JGU Mainz


Quick roundup on DA-RT, the “Data Access & Research Transparency” initiative that is shaking up Political Science

On a balmy evening in August, I was lounging in the garden with a dead-tree copy of Perspectives on Politics (as you do), and stumbled across a rather spirited, well-written editorial attack by Jeffrey C. Isaac on the Data Access & Research Transparency (DA-RT) manifesto. So far, I had had only the vaguest awareness of…

Polling accuracy: a Q&A with Kai Arzheimer and Jocelyn Evans | OUPblog

Polling data is ubiquitous in today’s world, but it is is often difficult to easily understand the accuracy of polls. In a recent paper published in Political Analysis, Kai Arzheimer and Jocelyn Evans developed a new methodology for assessing the accuracy of polls in multiparty and multi-candidate elections.

Source: Polling accuracy: a Q&A with Kai Arzheimer and Jocelyn Evans | OUPblog

Oldies but goldies. For installing/updating the ado, checkout SSC. And here is even more background material on surveybias.

Surveybias 1.4 is out

Surveybias 1.4 is out 3

Just how badly biased is your pre-election survey? Once the election results are in, our scalar measures B and B_w provide convenient, single number summaries. Our surveybias add-on for Stata will calculate these and other measures from either raw data or from published margins. Its latest iteration (version 1.4) has just appeared on SSC. Surveybias…

Lehrbuch “Strukturgleichungsmodelle” erscheint bald

[caption id="attachment_15760" align="alignleft" width="300"] Lehrbuch Strukturgleichungsmodelle[/caption] Mein seit langem geplantes Lehrbuch “Strukturgleichungsmodelle” erscheint demnĂ€chst bei Springer VS. Viele politikwissenschaftliche Beispiele illustrieren die Anwendung gĂ€ngiger Modelle auf Daten aus dem ESS und dem Allbus. Gezeigt wird jeweils, wie sich die ModellschĂ€tzung in Stata, MPlus und Lisrel realisieren lĂ€ĂŸt. Zu allen Beispielen ist die vollstĂ€ndige und kommentierte…