Identifying topics in research papers with the newsmap package for R (or: how the Radical Right Research Robot became slightly less dumb)

Identifying topics in research papers with the newsmap package for R (or: how the Radical Right Research Robot became slightly less dumb) 1

Topic modelling does not work well for (my) research paper abstracts The Radical Right Research Robot is a fun side project whose life began exactly one year ago. The Robot exists to promote the very large body of knowledge on Radical Right parties and their voters that social scientists have accumulated over decades. At its…

Does use of Extreme Right / Radical Right terminology predict co-citations? (Part 2)

Does use of Extreme Right / Radical Right terminology predict co-citations? (Part 2) 2

Reprise: The co-citation network in European Radical Right studies In the last post, I tried to reconstruct the co-citation network in European Radical Right studies and ended up with this neat graph. [caption id="attachment_28138" align="alignnone" width="907"] Co-citations within top 20 titles in Extreme / Radical Right studies[/caption] The titles are arranged in groups, with the…

The Extreme / Radical Right research network of co-citations: evidence for 2 different schools? (Part 1)

The Extreme / Radical Right research network of co-citations: evidence for 2 different schools? (Part 1) 3

Research question For a long time, people working in the field of European Radical Right Studies could not even agree on a common name for the thing that they were researching. Should it be the Extreme Right, the Radical Right, or what? Utterly unimpressed by this fact, I argue in a in-press contribution that this…

State of the radical right bibliography: Have references, will travel

The autumn/winter edition of the ever more Eclectic, ridiculously Erratic Bibliography on the Extreme Right in Western Europe is overdue well on its way, and it’s gonna be YUGE! Make it even YUGEr by sending me your candidates (books, chapters, journal articles) for inclusion. The geographical focus remains on (Western) Europe, but I am also…

State of the German polls: Is the SPD doomed and the AfD headed for third place?

It’s just a single poll Once more, repeat after me: It’s just a single poll. It’s also the time for horse-race journalism (and for horse-race blogging). In this specific case, the single poll is the most recent instalment of the “Deutschlandtrend”, a survey-series that Infratest-dimap runs for public broadcasting giant ARD. From the results (SPD:…

State of the German polls: Move on, (almost) nothing to see here

With less than two weeks until the election, we now have 153 surveys from seven different companies to pore over. The bulk of these (104) were produced by Emnid, Forsa and Insa. GMS and Allensbach have delivered only a handful of polls (seven and nine, respectively), while FGW (15) and Dimap (18) occupy the middle…