Finally, the call for papers for the ECPR’s 5th conference (at Potsdam, September 10-12 2009) is out. Our section on the Radical Right will consist of the following nine panels:
- The Radical Right in Central and Eastern Europe
- The Internationalisation of the Radical Right
- Will Fascism return?
- On the Borderline Between Protest and Violence: Political Movements of the New Radical Right
- Consequences of the surge of anti-immigration parties
- The Radical Right in Western Europe
- Inside the Radical Right: An Internalist Perspective
- Party-based Euroscepticism in Western and Eastern Europe
- Neighbourhood Effects Revisited: the Visualisation of Immigrants and Radical Right-Wing Voting
Each panel can have up to five paper givers, so the section offers us a chance to bring together cutting edge research on the Populist/Extreme/Radical Right from various subfields (parties, voters, rational choice, normative theory – you name it). Please submit your abstract via the the electronic submission system to the appropriate panel(s).
Technorati-Tags: ecpr, potsdam, radical right, extreme right, populist right, western europe, eastern europe, cee, central europe, right, conference, parties, voters