Google Scholar Fail

Google decided some time ago that their algorithms are so good that the old Humanities/Social Sciences/Hard Sciences button on Google Scholar did no longer earn its keep. As a Social Scientist trying to remember the exact title of that dear old Dalton 1984 piece, I could not agree less. [caption id="attachment_13371" align="alignright" width="754"] Not my…

Links I Liked

From the excellent LSE blog: European Parliament staff: who are they and do their backgrounds influence decision-making? @DarthPutinKGB: Russia Today has changed since the Donbass elections. (picture) Book chapter “Estimation techniques: Ordinary least squares and maximum likelihood” — Martin Elff No real surprise is here, as tax-dodging assistance is a business model:…

East Germans Killed the FDP

Even the Washington Post has woken up to the fact that 25 years after the uprising in the GDR, Germany stubbornly remains divided economically, politically, and socially. In the great scheme of things, this may matter less than you might think: In Western Europe alone, the UK, Spain, Belgium, or Switzerland – countries that have…

New Book Project: Handbook of Electoral Behaviour

Very happy: The folks at Sage have kindly signed a contract with Jocelyn Evans, Michael Lewis-Beck, and my own good self to edit a two-volume tome on Electoral Behaviour in their Handbook series. The final product will have some 50 chapters on all aspects of psephology and should come out in 2016. Cat-herding 50+ academics…

Analysing Facebook with R

I’ve recently discovered Rfacebook, which lets you access public information on Facebook from R. In terms of convenience, no package for R or Python that I have seen so far comes near. Get yourself a long-lived token, store it as a variable, and put all posts on a fanpage you are interested in into one…