Five Links I Liked

Still looking for a Christmas present? Now available in Paperback: Class Politics and the Radical Right – Routledge #InstantClassic Crooked Timber: Fly Air Gini Art Goldhammer on Sarko’s inevitable comeback: He’s baaaaaack! This has already happened as hinted at here: Trouble in (the Guardian’s) Paradise: anti-immigration party could bring Swedish government down…

More on Thuringia: A CDU-AfD-Pact?

Various news outlets reported this afternoon that there had been talks, perhaps even agreement between the (state) CDU and the (state) AfD to prevent Ramelow from being elected Minister-President. Obviously, nothing came out of this (neither party put a candidate on the slate), but still: Wither the blessing of the leadership, Merkel has created a…

Germany gets their first Minister-President of the Left

On Friday, the state parliament at Erfurt voted in Bodo Ramelow as Minister-President of Thuringia. He is the first member of the Left party to hold such an office, backed by the first ‘red-red-green’ (Left/SPD/Greens) coalition ever. 25 years after the fall of the wall, that is still a highly controversial constellation. Ramelow has been…

Six Links I Liked

A modern guide to getting started with Data Science and Python PHD Comics: Research I Problems Not sure about this one, but it is interesting enough: French Politics: The Emerging Split in the Extreme Right So much to read, so little time: A very useful trove of free articles: Psychology of #Terrorism…

Links I Liked

Going to Oxford now a stigma in Tory Land? The Tories play the local card hard in Rochester Some striking images here: “Berkeley. A history of disobedience in pictures” This is nuts & destroyed my productivity for today: Yougov’s terrible segmentation tool: German village plays prank on neo-Nazis h/t @BDStanley  

Links I Liked

Meta-Analysis Here’s Proof Some Pollsters Are Putting A Thumb On The Scale About time? “Belatedly, Germany ratifies UN anti-corruption convention” Type I and II errors simplified.

The Math of Post-Socialism

Much merriment in the Eastern state of Thuringia: 25 years after the fall of the wall, the Greens and the SPD in the state parliament are poised to form a coalition with the Left (die Linke), which would give the Left its first minister president ever. What’s the Matter with the Left? Predictably, this is…

Google Scholar Fail

Google decided some time ago that their algorithms are so good that the old Humanities/Social Sciences/Hard Sciences button on Google Scholar did no longer earn its keep. As a Social Scientist trying to remember the exact title of that dear old Dalton 1984 piece, I could not agree less. [caption id="attachment_13371" align="alignright" width="754"] Not my…

Links I Liked

From the excellent LSE blog: European Parliament staff: who are they and do their backgrounds influence decision-making? @DarthPutinKGB: Russia Today has changed since the Donbass elections. (picture) Book chapter “Estimation techniques: Ordinary least squares and maximum likelihood” — Martin Elff No real surprise is here, as tax-dodging assistance is a business model:…