New Publication: The AfD: Finally a Successful Right-Wing Populist Eurosceptic Party for Germany?

I am pleased to be able to inform you that the editors are happy with the revisions you made to your article and we can now proceed to publication. I could not agree more. The revised article will appear in 2015, possibly rather late. Meanwhile, the author’s version of my piece on Germany’s Alternative party…

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Sage advice from Andrew Gelman: How to read (in quantitative social science). And by implication, how to write. New Statesman | “It’s sad they’ve sunk to such depths”: Tories use Ukip candidate’s Turkish name on a leaflet Sigh Your holiday shopping guide for political scientists – The Washington Post PHD comic: not…

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Still looking for a Christmas present? Now available in Paperback: Class Politics and the Radical Right – Routledge #InstantClassic Crooked Timber: Fly Air Gini Art Goldhammer on Sarko’s inevitable comeback: He’s baaaaaack! This has already happened as hinted at here: Trouble in (the Guardian’s) Paradise: anti-immigration party could bring Swedish government down…

More on Thuringia: A CDU-AfD-Pact?

Various news outlets reported this afternoon that there had been talks, perhaps even agreement between the (state) CDU and the (state) AfD to prevent Ramelow from being elected Minister-President. Obviously, nothing came out of this (neither party put a candidate on the slate), but still: Wither the blessing of the leadership, Merkel has created a…

Germany gets their first Minister-President of the Left

On Friday, the state parliament at Erfurt voted in Bodo Ramelow as Minister-President of Thuringia. He is the first member of the Left party to hold such an office, backed by the first ‘red-red-green’ (Left/SPD/Greens) coalition ever. 25 years after the fall of the wall, that is still a highly controversial constellation. Ramelow has been…

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A modern guide to getting started with Data Science and Python PHD Comics: Research I Problems Not sure about this one, but it is interesting enough: French Politics: The Emerging Split in the Extreme Right So much to read, so little time: A very useful trove of free articles: Psychology of #Terrorism…

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Going to Oxford now a stigma in Tory Land? The Tories play the local card hard in Rochester Some striking images here: “Berkeley. A history of disobedience in pictures” This is nuts & destroyed my productivity for today: Yougov’s terrible segmentation tool: German village plays prank on neo-Nazis h/t @BDStanley  

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Meta-Analysis Here’s Proof Some Pollsters Are Putting A Thumb On The Scale About time? “Belatedly, Germany ratifies UN anti-corruption convention” Type I and II errors simplified.

The Math of Post-Socialism

Much merriment in the Eastern state of Thuringia: 25 years after the fall of the wall, the Greens and the SPD in the state parliament are poised to form a coalition with the Left (die Linke), which would give the Left its first minister president ever. What’s the Matter with the Left? Predictably, this is…