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The International German Politics Association has a blog Levels of Academic Evidence. Very low numbers for ND & PASOK among young voters. #ekloges2015 This is what has happened to Pasok’s vote in Greece. An absolute collapse

Three Links I Liked

PHD Comics: Average time spent writing one e-mail Replication redux and Facebook data, by Neal Beck | OUPblog RT @GermanEmbassy: #Germany remains key destination for migrants: Net #migration at 20-year high

Party Identification in Germany: Not Dead Yet (1)

Update [su_box title="Publication"]This post has turned into a proper journal article (follow the link for an ungated pre-print) [bibtex file=ka.bib sort=year order=desc key=arzheimer-2017b][/su_box] Original 2015 post Almost a decade ago, I published an article with a cutesy title on the decline of party identification in Germany, of which I am inordinately proud. The main message…

Six More Links I Liked

Philip Converse obit – The Washington Post @gilaschauer: Articles in the Guardian today reminded me to be grateful that there is no #REF in Germany yet. Executive summary: How to vote in Greece. H/T @A_Katsanidou Crossing the line: #Farage attacks pupils’ #Ukip parody app featuring Nicholas Fromage | Politics | The Guardian…

Six links I liked

This is old news now: “In German City Rich With History and Tragedy, Tide Rises Against Immigration” – #Pegida Mind the comma: RT @AcademicsSay: cc @CelebrityOxford Germany Reopens Case of Oktoberfest Bombing – Nigel #Farage asked former Conservative MP Enoch #Powell to endorse #Ukip | Politics | The Guardian Tweeting Ferguson:…

Three Links I Liked

So the old @Uni_of_Essex radicalism is back, in unlikely places: For radical #Greek politicians, #TOWIE – Telegraph @alexandreafonso: Marx on immigration, 1870. Could have been written today Engaging/provocative/mad as ever: Hey, who you calling a ‘Crusader’?! (@asecondmouse)

What are the most important journals for students of the extreme/far/radical/populist right?

The utterly erratic and ridiculously eclectic bibliography on far-right parties and their voters has been online for nearly five years now and contains just under 500 references. Obviously, it’s time for some semi-serious statistical analysis. To kick things off, I’m looking at the distribution of articles across journals, which is dominated by (surprise!) European and…