Six links I liked

This is old news now: “In German City Rich With History and Tragedy, Tide Rises Against Immigration” – #Pegida Mind the comma: RT @AcademicsSay: cc @CelebrityOxford Germany Reopens Case of Oktoberfest Bombing – Nigel #Farage asked former Conservative MP Enoch #Powell to endorse #Ukip | Politics | The Guardian Tweeting Ferguson:…

Three Links I Liked

So the old @Uni_of_Essex radicalism is back, in unlikely places: For radical #Greek politicians, #TOWIE – Telegraph @alexandreafonso: Marx on immigration, 1870. Could have been written today Engaging/provocative/mad as ever: Hey, who you calling a ‘Crusader’?! (@asecondmouse)

What are the most important journals for students of the extreme/far/radical/populist right?

The utterly erratic and ridiculously eclectic bibliography on far-right parties and their voters has been online for nearly five years now and contains just under 500 references. Obviously, it’s time for some semi-serious statistical analysis. To kick things off, I’m looking at the distribution of articles across journals, which is dominated by (surprise!) European and…

The AfD simplifies its leadership structure – major power struggle ahead?

The AfD’s national party conference has approved a change to the party’s constitution will give the party a simplified leadership structure, which will more closely resemble those of the dreaded ‘Altparteien’ (‘old’ or established parties) CDU, CSU, FDP, and SPD. After a period of transition, the AfD will have a single ‘Vorsitzender’ (party chair), supported…

Peak Pegida II

For the first time, the number of people attending the original Pegida marches in Dresden has fallen, while in most German towns and cities anti-Pegida demonstrators outstrip Pegida supporters by a considerable margin. This evening, four more members of Pegida’s executive have resigned, including Kathrin Oertl, who had become Pegida’s official face after Lutz Bachman’s…

Will Alexis Tsipras be Prime Minister of Greece?

Everyone is angry/worried/excited/happy (delete as appropriate) about the prospect of Alexis Tsipras, the leader of the radical left-wing Syriza party, becoming Prime Minister of Greece, while the man himself has begun to treat the election as a mere formality. But is such an outcome even likely? The most recent polls have given Syriza a lead…