Interview mit / Welt online zum Prozeß gegen die Goldene Morgenröte in Griechenland
Link zum Artikel hier: Photo by BenL
Link zum Artikel hier: Photo by BenL
Not yet, but they are working on it. What’s The Matter with the AfD? In my research paper on the AfD party’s 2014 EP manifesto, I argue that the AfD will have to face a choice between their current mix of social conservatism/economic liberalism on the one hand and right-wing populism proper on the other.…
Link zum Artikel hier:;art4306,3169023 Photo by Sozialfotografie [►] StR
[caption id="attachment_15760" align="alignleft" width="300"] Lehrbuch Strukturgleichungsmodelle[/caption] Mein seit langem geplantes Lehrbuch “Strukturgleichungsmodelle” erscheint demnächst bei Springer VS. Viele politikwissenschaftliche Beispiele illustrieren die Anwendung gängiger Modelle auf Daten aus dem ESS und dem Allbus. Gezeigt wird jeweils, wie sich die Modellschätzung in Stata, MPlus und Lisrel realisieren läßt. Zu allen Beispielen ist die vollständige und kommentierte…
Math Joke, anyone? Answer to “Immigrants are a burden on the welfare state” by voting intention in the 2015 General Election Things to remember when your manuscript is rejected Self-referential comic: Self-Description Majority of Germans now support a Grexit. (52% compared to 41% in Feb) (Pro tip: Opinion bounced back again) Ukip parliamentary candidate forced…
Peter Gauweiler’s resignation created quite a stir, but in this interview with Handelsblatt Global, I argue that it does not matter for Europe or the government. May or may not be pay-walled, so I reflect on some of these points on the blog, too. Photo by
For an hour or so, even the international press was mildly excited – “resignation of one of Merkel’s senior Christian Democrats from government over Greek bailout” or something along those lines. They got it wrong. Gauweiler is a member of the CSU (not Merkel’s party), and he held no government office. He had a long…
Trouble telling your economist from your sociologist colleagues? Look no further: Economics/sociology phrase book The Gamification of graduate lives: PHD comic: ‘Level Up.’ Hamburg election: AfD enters first parliament in West Germany, CDU at record low The German constitution gets its own float at Mainz carnival. Tags mark sections on religious freedom & free speech.…
Worried about survey bias? We have updated our add-on (or ado) surveybias, which calculates our multinomial generalisation of the old Martin, Traugott, and Kennedy (2005) measure for survey bias. If you have any dichotomous or multinomial variable in your survey whose true distribution is known (e.g. from the census, electoral counts, or other official data),…
Update [su_box title="Publication"]This post has turned into a proper journal article (follow the link for an ungated pre-print) [bibtex file=ka.bib sort=year order=desc key=arzheimer-2017b][/su_box] Original 2015 post 35 years’ worth of Politbarometer data show that partisan dealignment in Germany has slowed down considerably over the last decade. One reason for this is the increase in average…