Five More Links I Liked

Trouble telling your economist from your sociologist colleagues? Look no further: Economics/sociology phrase book The Gamification of graduate lives: PHD comic: ‘Level Up.’ Hamburg election: AfD enters first parliament in West Germany, CDU at record low The German constitution gets its own float at Mainz carnival. Tags mark sections on religious freedom & free speech.…

New (Free!) Software for Assessing Survey Bias

Worried about survey bias? We have updated our add-on (or ado) surveybias, which calculates our multinomial generalisation of the old Martin, Traugott, and Kennedy (2005) measure for survey bias. If you have any dichotomous or multinomial variable in your survey whose true distribution is known (e.g. from the census, electoral counts, or other official data),…

How Demographic Change is Saving German Parties (3)

Update [su_box title="Publication"]This post has turned into a proper journal article (follow the link for an ungated pre-print) [bibtex file=ka.bib sort=year order=desc key=arzheimer-2017b][/su_box] Original 2015 post 35 years’ worth of Politbarometer data show that partisan dealignment in Germany has slowed down considerably over the last decade. One reason for this is the increase in average…

A Semi-Official Split in the (Thuringia) AfD

Putsch in the AfD?

Various media report this morning that the AfD caucus in the Thuringia state parliament has asked two of their MPs – Jens Krumpe and Oskar Helmerich – to resign their select committee memberships and/or has withdrawn the whip from them. Both had refused to sign the “Erfurt Resolution” that was initiated by their leader Björn…

Why Germany’s NPD Might Not Be Banned After All

Why Germany's NPD Might Not Be Banned After All 1

Banning the NPD – What is at Stake? Germany’s NPD may be a racist, if not neo-Nazi outfit, but it enjoys the full protection and privileges the German constitution grants to parties. While the party is legal, it is entitled to state funding proportional to its (puny) electoral results. It can only be banned if…

Update on the Afd “Putsch”

Update on the Afd

“Der Flügel” (the “wing” or “tendency”) within Germany’s AfD that drew up the Erfurt manifesto, which calls for a more radical rightist approach to politics, claims that more than 700 people have signed the declaration within the first 24 hours. Taking a leaf out of the social-media savvy main party’s book, they have created a…

Putsch in the AfD?

Putsch in the AfD? 5

In a recent research paper, I conclude that judging by their EP 2014 manifesto, the ‘Alternative for Germany’ is currently not a right-wing populist party. But I also argue that some members of the party elite “represent less savoury brands of right-wing politics that could ultimately prove more attractive to voters than Lucke’s polite exercises…

Lazy Linklblogging

Lazy Linklblogging 8

French Politics II: Doubs or Die We do Anti-Vaccers, too: Germany battling a severe measles outbreak French Politics I: Législative dans le Doubs : le PS annonce sa victoire face au Front national | France info Wise words: Step Away from Putin’s Head | Moscow-on-Thames Useful: “Doing a Quick Literature Review”