Five AfD Party Conferences

Over on his blog, Andreas Kemper has an interesting piece (in German) on the five state-level party conferences the AfD has held last weekend. According to him, the outcomes of the conferences demonstrate that the party has shifted further to the right in four (Hesse, Brandenburg, Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt) of these five cases. A sixth party…

Seven Links: Wittgenstein, Hillary, Greece, Norman Nie, and More

This is cool: A Corpus-Based Analysis of REF Output Titles for Politics & International Studies Why austerity is not #Greece’s problem University of Surrey’s Politics department under threat Obituary: Norman Nie, inventor of SPSS Ouch: Major publisher retracts 43 scientific papers amid wider fake peer-review scandal Hillary onesies and ‘Rand on a stick’: the best…

Lehrbuch “Strukturgleichungsmodelle” erscheint bald

[caption id="attachment_15760" align="alignleft" width="300"] Lehrbuch Strukturgleichungsmodelle[/caption] Mein seit langem geplantes Lehrbuch “Strukturgleichungsmodelle” erscheint demnächst bei Springer VS. Viele politikwissenschaftliche Beispiele illustrieren die Anwendung gängiger Modelle auf Daten aus dem ESS und dem Allbus. Gezeigt wird jeweils, wie sich die Modellschätzung in Stata, MPlus und Lisrel realisieren läßt. Zu allen Beispielen ist die vollständige und kommentierte…

Linkfest: Comics, Views on Immigrants & HIV, Consolation for Rejectniks

Math Joke, anyone? Answer to “Immigrants are a burden on the welfare state” by voting intention in the 2015 General Election Things to remember when your manuscript is rejected Self-referential comic: Self-Description Majority of Germans now support a Grexit. (52% compared to 41% in Feb) (Pro tip: Opinion bounced back again) Ukip parliamentary candidate forced…