AfD party conference votes down exec’s proposal on asylum, adopts more radical resolution

AfD party conference votes down exec's proposal on asylum, adopts more radical resolution 1

Following the meeting in July that led to a split of the party, the AfD is holding another party conference this weekend. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reports that the assembly has just voted down a position paper on asylum drafted by the national exec and backed by the new leader. Internally, the paper was seen as…

Open Library of Humanities: Finally an open-access game-changer for the un-natural sciences?

No fees for authors and a legit-looking crowd of supporters.  But why “Humanities” and not “Humanities and Social Sciences”? Still looks too soft for quantitative social scientists. The Open Library of Humanities is financially supported by an international library consortium. This means that we never have to charge our authors to publish with us. In…

Peer reviews: If you love something, set it free. And again. And again

Peer reviews: If you love something, set it free. And again. And again 3

Being part of the peer review system has a sadomasochistic quality. Nate Jensen’s story about how he had to submit a certain manuscript again and again to different journals to get it published eventually is all too familiar. I don’t keep records as exact as his (would be too depressing), but I remember a single…

Links I liked: Daesh (Isis), College textbooks as a racket, and humanity’s lost battle against the machine

The controversy about how we should refer to the terrorist group known in Western Europe as “ISIS” has been going on for some time (the Americans prefer “ISIL”). If you followed the news after the recent attacks (and who hasn’t), you will have noticed that a third name, “Daesh”, is gaining currency with heads of…

Why is Germany’s bioethics legislation so restrictive?

Germany’s restrictive bioethics legislation in general, and its very tight rules on embryology and fertilisation in particular, present a puzzle for political science. Early on, the country has enacted liberal rules in other moral policy domains, most notably the abortion law of 1975 (Richardt, 2003: 113). The full range of prenatal diagnosis is available to…

Pegida borrows from the NPD’s vocabulary

“Cult of guilt” (Schuldkult) is a phrase that was coined in the early 1990s. It is a highly loaded term that is used almost exclusively by the NPD and other right-wing extremist groups whenever the crimes of the Nazis are mentioned. That Pegida would use that word, on that day, and that the crowds would cheer, is significant.

Mogon matters

Taking a walk whilst running two variants of a slightly dodgy LTA in parallel on 64 of this baby’s 35,000-odd cores (to please a grumpy reviewer). Feeling like a proper scientist for a change. Needless to say that the whole thing shut down 35 minutes into the world’s fastest MPlus run, because the wardrobe-sized cooling unit broke down. Never happened on my desktop.

Mogon. Image Credit: ZDV JGU Mainz


Refugees: A fresh rift in Germany’s governing coalition?

On Friday, a day after the great refugee compromise between CDU, CSU, SPD, and the minister presidents was announced, Home Affairs minister Thomas de Maiziere created a medium-sized stir by presenting plans that would reduce the level of protection granted to refugees from Syria. None such measure had been agreed the day before. By Saturday,…

Quick roundup on DA-RT, the “Data Access & Research Transparency” initiative that is shaking up Political Science

On a balmy evening in August, I was lounging in the garden with a dead-tree copy of Perspectives on Politics (as you do), and stumbled across a rather spirited, well-written editorial attack by Jeffrey C. Isaac on the Data Access & Research Transparency (DA-RT) manifesto. So far, I had had only the vaguest awareness of…